Ep. 13 - My BFFS4L. Where Is Heaven? What Will Our Eternal Body Be Like?

1 year ago

We've been gone for a few weeks, and now Dennis is out of town too. But in the meantime, my best friend was in town so enjoy this awkward episode as we bumble our way though his first podcast attempt ever :)

Once he shakes the cob webs and we start acting a bit more natural, it picks up a bit and we actually start having a pretty good discussion. We reminisce for a while and go over how we met and some and how we became best friends, or if we really are bff's lol.

Towards the end we discuss a couple interesting topics, mainly what and where is #heaven. Not too many #christians actually dig into this question too deeply. We're told that it is a place outside of this #dimension where we'll be in the presence of #God forever, but is that really what the #Bible says? Is that really where we'll spend #eternity as believers? That's kind of what most Christinas believe when they think about heaven. But is that really what the Bible says our eternal state will look like? When posed the question, my buddy freezes and you can see on his face that he never actually took a second to think through the biblical concept of heaven.

This leads into a pretty interesting conversation about our resurrected body, or our eternal bodies. On this topic, you can see at one point that it finally clicks for me personally that I haven't really spent enough time thinking through the condition of our eternal body either. I've had two competing ideas in my head which I only now realized they don't add up to a cohesive understanding of our eternal state. Mainly, will our eternal bodies be like #Jesus #resurrection body where he could appear and disappear at will but still ate food and had a physical body that could be touched and probed? Or will our physical body be more like Adam and Eve's bodies which God created perfect and #sinless and their condition was arguably the state God intended humanity to exist eternally and it's the original creation order that God will reestablish in the new heavens new earth?

It might be boring for some, but if you're a #nerd like me who likes being #introspective, hopefully these thought experiments will help you better develop your perspectives and #spirituality too!

Let us know what you think in the comments!

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