Dr. Kat Lindley : 旨在對人口施加控制的 COVID 響應 / Dr. Kat Lindley: The COVID response aimed at exerting control over the population

1 year ago

一名逃離共產主義南斯拉夫的醫生“通過兩隻眼睛”看到了 COVID-19 大流行。 一方面,她是從醫生的角度來看待的; 另一方面,她以一個在共產主義制度下長大的人的眼光來看待它。

A physician who fled communist Yugoslavia saw the COVID-19 pandemic “through two eyes.” On the one hand, she perceived it from a doctor’s perspective; on the other hand, she looked at it through the eyes of someone who grew up under communism.

來源文章: 大紀元
Original article by The Epoch Times

撰寫者 / Written by:
Ella Kietlinska,記者 (Reporter)
Jan Jekielek,高級編輯 (Senior Editor)


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