Gov. DeSantis pulls the "bait and switch" on health freedom bill

1 year ago

The Florida legislative session is coming to a close and health freedom warriors were LIED to by Gov. DeSantis.

The governor promised he'd support SB222, an all-encompassing, broad, and robust health freedom bill that would be model legislation for other states.

Instead, we were informed by a staffer of Colleen Burton that DeSantis is actually supporting SB252, a fake, watered down, narrow, and almost moot medical freedom bill pertaining ONLY to Covid-19 and that leaves the door wide open for other incursions on our rights in a future pandemic.

Friend of the show, Nick Caturano, wanted to sound the alarm bell about this so he asked me if we could make a little video to see if we can make a last minute impact before SB252 gets signed into law.

While Nick has publicly stood by and spoken at some of Gov. DeSantis's press conferences, he felt the need to write him an open letter expressing his disappointment over the governor's purported support of fake med freedom bill SB252.

If the governor does indeed support this bill, it will be a slap in the face to all the medical freedom warriors who supported him in his recent election.

Find out more about the bills here:

Compare the two bills:
Read about SB252:
Read about SB222:

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