Good Shepherd Sunday "Only the good can know what is good" Fr. Stanislaus Of Guadalupe, FMCD 4/23/23

1 year ago

Christ Is The Good Shepherd and being so implies God's complete Justice and infinite Goodness and Mercy on one condition: Repentance. Today, on this most beautiful Paschal Sunday, Fr. Stanislaus expounds on the Holy Scripture provided for us today by The Church through the Second Epistle of St. Peter and the Holy Gospel According to St. John. In the Epistle, we find St. Peter recalling for his separated Jewish brethren and the slaves of Rome most especially, the Paschal Sacrifice and mystery offered by He who hung upon The Cross on Good Friday. To receive His infinite Goodness and Mercy all each of us must do is repent and say yes to God. No matter what you have done or what has occurred in your life Christ The Good Shepherd stands waiting and always ready to forgive if we just say yes to Him and receive!
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