Slaves to our minds, our emotions and a society that has taught us not to ask questions

1 year ago

I am listening to an interview by Jordan Peterson with Yeonmi Park who survived the Orwellian dictatorship in North Korea, the story she tells is frightening and the fact that human beings can be manipulated so easily is even scarier.

She recounts how the life of poverty, fear and exploitation that she lived was not seen as abnormal but rather as normal because there was nothing to compare to, the internet is not allowed and no one is allowed to go outside but because everyone lives this way and education and society teaches them that this is life and everywhere is the same and the only images of the outside world are those where life is worse so that they accept their living conditions, from an early age they are told and repeated that the only person to love and respect is their President Kim Jong-un, for everyone this is the one and only known reality and most don’t ask questions also because they have not been taught and those who do ask questions are seen as revolutionaries and therefore arrested or killed.

Now we are led to believe that our society in the West or even in the East is made up of freedom and the possibility to choose how to live one’s life but in reality it is not very different from the North Korean dictatorship with the difference that repression is more sneaky and we are taught to compete with each other, to work to the point of exhaustion and the teaching of the need for the material makes us live in a perpetual state of distraction where there is no need for serious repression because this sense of openness and democracy allows those who actually enjoy our exploitation to live an existence in luxury and power and if there is a single sign of awakening, there are wars, tragedies and the most powerful method of control “the economic crisis” which is what we are seeing on a large scale worldwide, but it’s not the first time it’s just history repeating itself because as in North Korea those who really run existence on this planet have always been the same people who from Father to Son have kept the society we live in the same and the moment you ask yourself questions you understand why there are two school models, public and private, the private to maintain for those in power and the public to create workers/slaves who will maintain the position of those in power.

The model adopted in North Korea and the rest of the world is the same but the methods change, what is the difference between a North Korean who cannot leave his country and the rest of the world who has been made to believe that we are the centre of the universe and obviously the fact that we cannot leave this ball we call planet earth seems to me not very different but look how easy it is to make believe that because we are born on a certain piece of land we have a nationality and borders and you cannot cross a certain border without a piece of paper we call a passport, obviously it is a scam but how many ask this question? Very few simply because we have never been taught to ask ourselves these questions and again the ease with which human beings can be manipulated, we have been taught to believe that wars brings peace and it is normal to go and kill another human being because someone we have been taught is the leader has decided who is the enemy.

We are puppets without knowing we are puppets and whoever is not aligned you don’t need to kill him/her the system will automatically discard him/her and if you become a serious problem where you really try to awaken Souls then you go to the North Korean method, prison or death.

There’s this video I saw the other day where a guy puts a book in front of a mirror and then an object behind the book, the mirror in theory should only reflect what it sees but looking to the side you realise you can see the object behind the book which theoretically can’t be reflected because it’s hidden by the book and the mirror can’t know it’s there …… now I’ve read scientific explanations about this but what are scientific explanations? Again, something we have been told to be a certain way and don’t ask why, simply a method of control, don’t ask why, they give you the explanation and you have to accept it.

We live no differently from North Korea, we are slaves to our minds and emotions with the idea of freedom dictated by a group of individuals who feel they are God on earth no different than when kings thought they were Gods on earth chosen by God, circumstances create divisions that are such to be reunited, those who for some reason have more isn’t for a Divine decision but that extra possession must be redistributed and I’m not just talking about material but above all cultural, our slavery is of the mind and if we had the chance to explore it we would realise that we are Divine beings with gifts that should be used to improve the lives of those around us, I don’t know when will happen but I’m convinced it will.

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