PURRformance Review: Trying Out The FurryTail Automatic Cat Litter Box

1 year ago

Does scooping your cat's litter box feel like a never-ending chore? Then meet the FurryTail Automatic Cat Litter Box - it'll be sure to give you (and your kitty) something to purr about! We tested this innovative product and couldn't wait to share our thoughts. You can check it out for yourself here: https://www.furrytail.net/?ref=Llap5ndBIWZRT
#lovefurrytail @furrytail_official

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Helpful Info for Every Cat Lover:
✨ TNR Program Los Angeles/Fixnation: https://fixnation.org/
✨ Shiloh Mobile Veterinary Hospital, Los Angeles: https://www.shilohsvet.com/​​​
✨ Cat Fanciers Association: https://cfa.org/
✨ International Cat Association: https://tica.org/
✨American Cat Fanciers Association: http://acfacat.com/
✨ Toxic and non-toxic plants for cats: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants

Please Support:
🐱 Mission Meow: https://missionmeow.org/🙏
🐱 Fixnation: https://fixnation.org/🙏
🐱 Hungarian Cat Sanctuary: https://bit.ly/HungarianVelvetPaws 🙏

✏️Logo Design and Animation: Brian Vermeire, https://onebitecreative.com/
🎵 Music: Victor Alexeeff, https://VictorAlexeeff.net, https://open.spotify.com/artist/3vAnLkvd9lmBxptm6IE2pD

📧: Petra@CatCrazychannel.com

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