It took 3 days to save all of them - one almost died ❤️‍🩹😰

1 year ago

So many kittens begin their lives being born in challenging locations. A family of kittens was born in a warehouse, and for three days, kind employees kept finding more and more kittens.

Katie McKittrick from #HopeForPaws headed over again and again until she had all the kittens (plus she got a bonus kitten). She loves music and decided to give them musical names.

In honor of Jennifer Lopez, she named the first kitten Jennipurr Lopaws.
In honor of Katy Perry, she named the second kitten Kitty Purry.
In honor of Prince, she named the third kitten Purrince.
(We also have a PRINCE on this amazing video: )
In honor of David Bowie, she named the fourth one David Meowie.
In honor of Elvis Presley, she named the fifth one Elvis Purresley.
In honor of Anthony Kiedis, she named the sixth one Anthony Kiedhiss.

We couldn't do this work without your support. This video doesn't really show the whole process, but Elvis Purresley suffered from cranial nerve damage. Katie fostered him, she brought him with her to work every day, and it was cool to see him at the office every day getting better and better.

Please join us in this effort to save lives with a small donation here:

If you would like to adopt any of these kittens, please visit our friends at:

Thank you so much!


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