Ep 38 N8 21st Apr 23 - Liz's Updates from Wellington Employment Court

1 year ago

We were super excited to hear about Liz's time in Employment Court Wellington and we were not disappointed.

This is absolutely ground breaking stuff!

Please share far and wide!

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00:25 Liz: Epoch article about transgender mentioned in hearing - Turner free speech case - Medsafe - Closing submissions - Terrorist aspect of questioning dropped - Cross examination of Halligan - There was no gazetting for the operational side of rolling out the jab to the workforce - No legal authority

05:54 Liz: Political free speech at work - Case was out of the workplace - Argued under the Privacy Act that they offended the 1st 4 principles - Must have a space that is private to you - Look at Hammond v Credit Union Baywide case (interesting :) - Case was found in Hammonds favour

10:34 Liz: Sharing on Facebook and relevance - No to church and State in public schools

13:05 Liz: Reading of case - 8th Paragraph, first disciplinary meeting - Can make submissions before being suspended and seek representation - Non-replace matters - Nursing over the lockdown years

17:34 Liz: Bosses trying to remove Miss T’s registration - Strike out application to follow - Neither the DHB nor the Nursing Council Had a written policy forbidding anti vaccination information at the time of sacking - Informed decision making for informed consent - Bring it back to the employer - Gazette 3 Feb 2021, Provisional Consent to the Distribution of a New Medicine - Clinical Study Reports for Study C4591001

21:46 Liz: Study will probably never be provided due to the way it’s written into the consent - Point 55. Provide the final Clinical Study Reports for Study C4591001 and Study BNT162-01 within five working days of these being produced - When will the study be produced, end date? - Contraindications

23:14 Liz: Employer who has a PCBU under the HSWA 2015 was duty bound to provide a safe and healthy workplace - Miss T post a warning to… WDHP did dismiss the plaintiff unjustifiably by the correct interpretation of section 103 A of the Employment Relations Act – Spying is morally reprehensible, legally v illegally

26:30 Liz: Drug pushing professionals and manufactured racism - Read Epoch times article recommended and note Marxism commentary - Dangers of transgender ideology - Critical race theory

30:17 Liz: Was not a workplace problem - Discriminated against because of both her religious and her political beliefs - Sharia Law and woman

33:37 Liz: Private life outside the workplace - This submission got the judges interested - The last three years have been a steady erosion of our fundamental rights and freedoms by the process of executive orders and other secondary legislation.

36:03 Liz: Now this is the One that I think might have far reaching effects, section 13 Of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, freedom of thought, conscience and religion as a fundamental right that cannot be weighed against any other right… - Section 104 of the ERA - Section 21 of the Human Rights Act - Section 14 BoRA, freedom of expression is also unfettered by Section 5 - Problem with Judicial reviews

38:14 Liz: Were lawyers telling complainants not to use Employment courts because they thought they have no jurisdiction under the Bill of Rights Act – However what section 6 of BoRA in which the judiciary is bound by BoRA - Liz sending the Judge a paper written by Rodney Harrison QC re how you use the Bill of Rights in an employment situation.

42:37 Liz: Individual rights, not group rights, therefore cases such as Yardley were wrongly decided - Team of four Lawyers v Liz - Exhausted but enjoyed the opportunity - Parts can be appealed, take the Yes’s and go after the No’s - What is political speech

47:11 Liz: DHBs bound by section 36 of HWSA 2015 as didn’t look into hazards in the workplace - More cases and legal points to make

49:20 Emz: Ex nurse and ex airport worker with lawyers and costing $$$ -Get the right legal representation with the N8 union - Flyers looking good

51:49 Liz: Opening statements for the case covered constitution and BoRA which requires everybody to follow the law and that includes the legislature (parliament), the executive (crown) and the judiciary - will Lawyers exercise their brain and go after parliament - Will find out $$$ made and conflicts of interest.

53:20 Liz: Dr. Shelton - Case for three midwives coming up - They tried to protect the mothers and babies - Won’t know the outcome of the trial results for some time

55:20 Liz: Might be joining up with a platform called Voices media - 90 day arguments still happening but authorities are waking up to it - Raising a personal grievance differs from filing one - Offers of settlements coming in - Truth and reconciliation process needed, like end of apartheid in South Africa - Project CALS

01:00:31 Liz: Unethical lawyers running cases to stop people getting justice - Employers need to get involved so as to sue Pfizer - Small businesses and Biden mandate/OSHA mandate

01:03:46 Liz: Business owners need to go after WorkSafe whom acted illegally under section 168 Subsection 4 - they need to sue WorkSafe - Dominoes will fall - Want liabilities transferred to medical and military establishments - Only vaxxed can volunteer in Esk

01:07:16 Liz: Explains constitutional principles - Legal rules based on western Christian values - Supposed to sign a consent form to have the jab

01:12:33 Emz: Recommended to listen to the Healthy American, funny Peggy Hall - Liz mentioned the Nuremberg trials at turner hearing - Conducted under English common law as the law had the tools.

Content Links:

IN-DEPTH: Experts Link Transgender Ideology to Elevated Risk of Violent Radicalization

Amanda Turner case

Terrorist designations in NZ
Terrorists Entities on NZ Gazette https://gazette.govt.nz/notice/id/2022-go3689

Privacy Act 2020 and the Privacy Principles
1. Purpose for collection
2. Source of information
3. What to tell an individual
4. Manner of collection

Phil Halligan - Director of Nursing Wairarapa DHB

Hammond v Credit Union Baywide case
REPRESENTATION: Ms. KM Hammond in person supported by Ms. J Gooding as McKenzie friend

Gazette 3 Feb 2021- Provisional Consent to the Distribution of a New Medicine

55. Provide the final Clinical Study Reports for Study C4591001 and Study BNT162-01 within five working days of these being produced


118 notices found in Gazette 2021, containing "Medsafe"

28 notices found in Gazette 2023, containing "Medsafe"

Study C4591001: V.9 Evaluator’s overall conclusions on clinical safety In the Phase 2/3 Study C4591001

Section 103A of the Employment Relations Act 2000

Critical race theory

Section 13 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 – Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference.

Section 14 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Freedom of expression
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.

Section 5 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Justified limitations
Subject to section 4, the rights and freedoms contained in this Bill of Rights may be subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Section 104 Employment Relations Act 2000- Discrimination

Paper written by Rodney Harrison QC

Section 36 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Primary duty of care

Voice Media

Project CALS

New York State Supreme Court Judge Invalidates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate:March 1, 2023, Healthcare Law Alert:

§ 168 (4) health and safety at work act 2015 - powers of entry and inspection
(4) Despite subsection (1)(e), if all or any part of the information relates to a person’s health status and identifies the person, an inspector must not, without that person’s consent,—
(a) require the production of information; or
(b) examine the information; or
(c) make a copy of, or take an extract from, the information.

Uploads from The Healthy American Peggy Hall

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