Do the work of the Father (Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32)

1 year ago

Do the work of the Father (Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32)

Growing up and playing sports my entire childhood, I had the opportunity to see many great athletes in my community. The odd part about is that some of the best athletes I saw was the ones that never played organized sports in the school system. I saw super basketball players who would be the first person picked in every pickup game on the sandlot court that never played a quarter of high school basketball. It was not that they could not have played, it is that they were unwilling to move and work within the confines of an organized team with a coach. They were amazing when they could go out there and do whatever they wanted to do but when you asked them to play with in an organized structure they refused to submit to the authorities in control. Jesus tells us the story of a rebellious son who tells his dad he is going to do what is required of him but ends up just running off doing whatever he wanted to do. He was supposed to be working in the vineyard but instead went fishing in the creek, off to play ball with his friends, or perhaps on a picnic with his girlfriend. He refused to play within the structure of the family and obey the head of the household.

I look around the church today and I see so many talented and gifted people working hard for a cause they believe in. I just want to take a moment and remind everyone that you can be absolutely awesome at what you are doing but if it is not in the confines of what the Father has asked you to do then you are off track. You are a superstar if you are doing what you want to do but when someone with spiritual authority tries to guide and direct you, you take your ball and go home. It is great you like to help out with the kids snack in Sunday School, but it is not great if the Father has told you that you should be teaching that class. It is awesome you have pastored a church with hundreds of members for several years but not if the Father has told you to go to a congregation of 10 people that is really struggling and needs you. The Kingdom of God is not about being busy or looking successful at what we are doing it is about obeying the commands of God the Father. Being a solo super star at your church may make you feel important but if you are working outside the confines of God’s grand scheme for your life and His eternal plan then you are simply disobeying the Father.

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