People Before Party Politics - with Bob Blayone

1 year ago

People before Party Politics. A candid discourse on corruption & accountability with Leaha Mattinson & Intended Independent Candidate Bob Blayone.

Bob Blayone is a Christian, a husband of 33 years, a father of 2, and a proud Metis. He is a registered independent MLA dedicating himself to promoting independent politicians free from the whip of the party and holding the government accountable for its corruption.

Bob is intending to run as the Independent candidate for Camrose Constituency as soon as the writ drops on May 1st. He has presently registered, and is just waiting for the writ to drop to file his nomination papers and supporting signatures, which at this point he has easily collected double the required amount.

00:00 Intro
00:45 Introducing Bob Blayone
04:00 Bob Blayone’s political aspirations
09:00 Experiences speaking to UCP officials
13:00 Lessons learned from UCP
16:00 The Great Reset, Green New Deal, Just Transition, government corruption
18:00 Lobbyists controlling far too much, Joseph Stiglitz
22:00 Climate hoax, economic lies, carbon capture nonsense
30:30 Solar panels, uses and lies
37:00 Cronyism, injustices
40:00 Leaha’s thoughts on healthcare
42:00 Bob’s politics
48:50 Finding Bob Blayone, Closing Comments
50:05 Outro

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