May 5, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... Let My Redeemed come running and sing... YahuShua is YaHuWaH

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The Lord says…
Let My Redeemed come running & Sing… YahuShua is YaHuWaH

May 5, 2010 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to a Brother in Christ and Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord, concerning the day when I ascended to The Father in glory, of which I have now commanded you to remember and keep holy to The Lord, rejoicing in the anticipation of My coming, The Blessed Hope… This is a time of great rejoicing, for I am coming quickly! Therefore come and feast at the table of The Lord, and rejoice! Give thanks, sing praises, and be filled with the joy of The Lord! Sing for Me, beloved! Sing!

Yea, ascend the hill of The Lord, with pure hearts and clean hands, offering up praises to He who is true! For now is the time for great glory to be revealed, in the heavens above and upon the earth beneath!… The mighty and awesome power of The Lord!

From the beginning of time, creation has waited eagerly for the sons of God to be revealed! Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, perk up your ears and listen to the voice of your Redeemer, for assuredly I say to you, it shall wait no longer!… Behold, through the sons of men shall The Son of Man be glorified, in these last days!

And with all power and righteous judgment, in great signs and wonders, shall The Father be revealed! Behold, His name shall resound in all the earth! For He shall set up an end sign to the nations, and I shall be glorified! In all the heavens and in all the earth shall it be made known!… For there is but One Salvation, and I AM HE!

Most assuredly I say to you, My fullness is coming, and every eye shall behold My countenance! Lo, every knee shall bow to Me, calling Me, Lord! Yea, every tongue will confess… „Jesus Christ is The Lord of Heaven and Earth, Yeshua is The Only Messiah!“ They shall confess it aloud, and in the heavens shall it resound… „YahuShua is YaHuWaH!“

For I am coming quickly to establish My kingdom, and to make an end of all this wickedness, to wipe away every tear in My love… For My reward is with Me! Yes, I am coming to establish the faithful in life, for they are the elect of My heart, My Body, My Bride…

Behold, everlasting righteousness shall come in! And every eye shall behold the face of God, and give Him glory!… For I am He, the brightness of His glory, the express image of His person, upholding all things by the word of His power!… The Father and The Son are One! Therefore, let the redeemed of The Lord come running!… For their time has come, says The Lord.

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