April 23, 2023, Romans 8:1-10, "The Covenants of Law and Grace" (Live)

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Romans 8:1-10, "The Covenants of Law and Grace"

[Abrahamic Covenant]
Genesis 17:1-9, God's covenant with Abraham and the land grant of Canaan (if Israel will be obedient to God)

[Davidic Covenant]
Jeremiah 33:14-16, the prophecy
Jeremiah 23:5-6, God will take back the throne of David by force
Matthew 24:15-16, antichrist will attempt to take the throne of David
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Jesus Christ will take over the throne of David and throw the antichrist off of it, during the 1000 year reign

[Old Covenant (of the Law, given through Moses)]
Deuteronomy 9:11, the 2 tablets of stone
Exodus 20:3-17, the 10 commandments, and the vertical and horizontal laws
Exodus 20:3-11, the 4 verticals that must be followed, otherwise the horizontals cannot be followed
Exodus 20:12
Exodus 20:13-17, the remaining 5 commandments

[The New Covenant (of Grace)]
Luke 22:20, the New Covenant
John 1:17, both the Old and New Covenant: the law through Moses, and truth and grace through Jesus Christ

[The New Covenant Explained]
Romans 8:1-10, the Law fulfilled by Jesus Christ, and now all faith is committed onto Jesus Christ (who is perfect in the Law, vertically and horizontally); the covenant was signed by the blood of Christ (as opposed to the fleshly circumcision in the Old Covenant)
Hebrews 8:6, Jesus Christ the mediator
Hebrews 10:15-16, work of the Holy Spirit
Hebrews 10:19, the veil no longer blocks the mercy seat (historically only the high priest could be the mediator between man and God), but now Jesus Christ is the mediator
. New Covenant, Part 1: forgiveness of sin.
. New Covenant, Part 2: opportunity for an intimate relationship with God.
. New Covenant, Part 3: eternal working of the Lord inside people.

[The New Covenant will be given to Israel in the future.]
Jeremiah 31:31-34, probably will happen towards the end of the 7 year tribulation; the expiation, Israel will believe in the Messiah, and will be saved
Romans 11:26-27
Zechariah 12:10, Israel will recognize Jesus the Christ, 'whom they have pierced', the Son of God, their only begotten Son (God was the husband and Israel was the wife - through the Virgin Mary)

[The Everlasting Covenant]
Hebrews 13:20-21

[songselect.ccli.com songs]
4255664, O Worship The King
7056336, Trust And Obey
7190360, Bless The Lord O My Soul
18558, Glory To The Lamb
1189479, Come Just As You Are

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