Diagnosing Allopathic & Homeopathic Systems By Natural Law w/ Patty Lager | Dissolving The Divide 19

1 year ago

Patty joins us to help shed light on and to truly consider the spiritual aspects of healing on all levels for all ages. We invite the western medical world, which in modern times can be considered the allopathic way of healthcare, which lacks much of the above with their protocols and ways of treating sickness and such.. She holds many degrees and qualifications, aside from delving into much research and information that is not subjected to medical students, so she has a wealth of knowledge, background and experience.

Patricia is evoking with us today, which is part of what she provides in her practices: "Healing by aligning with the Principles of Natural Law and healing as mechanism to face one’s shadow and find one’s purpose."

Does it not seem imbalanced at all out there in hospital land? one sided responses and diagnostics? have you noticed some of the symbolism with a snake or 2 slithering up or down a staff? That is called the caduceus, representing DNA, kundalini, vitality.. Yet it's been distorted and showcased on pharmacies in many countries: many instances, there's only one snake- usually on the left side of the staff, which symbolized an imbalance of allopathic medicine in the absence of the right side (homeopathic) leaning towards the left brain, which creates over-logical thinking and dogma

Can we really take it back to Universal/Cosmic/Natural Law to assist us and others to dissolve this great divide in the medical world? Patty thinks so, altho easier said than done, so have a listen to hear her vision, solutions, and evaluation of current systems of health/sick care.

Patty Lager and her services can be found here:

She is on the https://onegreatworknetwork.com
as is Leslie, who always has her fantastic website and services available

Derek is all over the place- too many platforms & projects to mention as well as the locations he's been recording from: http://linktr.ee/derekbartolacelli

Thank you

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