1 year ago
Shelia Jackson Lee's Title 18 amendment adds the criminalization for conspiracy of white supremacy-inspired hate crimes. If a person helps plan, develop or inspire such hate crimes, then that person will also be criminally liable under the new bill.

The bill itself also says it would impose criminal penalties for those who "published material advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonism based on ‘replacement theory,’ or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group, and such published material," if that material was "read, heard, or viewed by a person who engaged in the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of a white supremacy inspired hate crime."
In essence, if a person posts offending material online that inspires another person to commit a "hate crime," the original poster could face consequences of criminal charges. It's not readily apparent how enforcers of the new policy would determine content to be inspirational for white-supremacy hate crimes, or exactly who is on the hook for the content: the content's original creator, a separate person posting the content or even just a sharer of the content.

It's also not clear how much responsibility, if any, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter would potentially face for hosting the offending content under the proposed changes.

Mass shootings and other hate crimes motivated by white supremacy have been increasing in frequency and intensity,” the bill says. “These heinous and virulent crimes are inspired by conspiracy theories, blatant bigotry and mythical falsehoods such as ‘replacement theory.’ All instances must be prevented and severe criminal penalties must be applied to their perpetrators."
Language in the bill is "broad," according to Fox News, which added that the bill could result in people facing criminal charges for the content they share on social media that's judged to be "hateful."

Under the new bill, the U.S. Department of Justice "shall have the authority to investigate, intercede, and undertake other actions that it deems necessary" to combat white supremacy-inspired conspiracies and hate crimes "and appropriate to interdict, mitigate, or prevent such action from culminating in violent activity."

The Justice Department would also have the authority to prosecute offenders of Jackson Lee's new bill, and would be required to "maintain records Jackson Lee's bill currently has no cosponsors and is unlikely to pass in a Republican-controlled House.

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