Are you Dealing with ear discomfort?

1 year ago

Are you Dealing with ear discomfort?

Try this Homemade Garlic Ear Oil with Mullein and Lavender for natural relief. It is antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial.

Homemade Garlic Ear Oil Recipe
3 Tblsp olive oil
2 crushed garlic cloves

Optional additions:
1 Tblsp Mullein
1 Tblsp Lavender
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Combine ingredients in saucepan and cook on warm for about 10-15 minutes stirring frequently. Strain the herbs from the oil (double straining with some cheesecloth is always a good idea). Let cool and rebottle into a bottle with a dropper top. I place a couple drops in each ear about 3x a day until pain is gone. *not medical advice

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