Communist war in the third world

1 year ago

Communist war in the third world

Jonas Savimbi was black Africa's staunchest anti-communist. Most of Africa was already governed by Marxists. UNITA was an ally of South Africa. South African secret service compiled a record of foreign weapons used in the conflict featuring weapons from almost every world conflict to date, Soviet, German, Chinese, even Bolshevik era. In the USA, Savimbi explained, "Does South Africa have any possibility of expansion? On my own understanding, no. But the Soviet Union is the most important empire in the world at the moment.. I think we are facing tremendous odds. 45000 Cubans. 1500 Russians. 2000 North Koreans. 2500 East Germans. A small country like Angola, 200 jet fighters. 160 Helicopters. 100 Transport planes. I think we need your support" (Savimbi, 1986). Savimbi died in combat. After initial support the USA & UK arranged for the former communist allies, the MPLA & ANC, to take over Angola & South Africa respectively, while disowning South Africa of it's nuclear capacity.

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