The 4 Marian dogma | Part 3: The Perpetual Virginity

1 year ago

The dogma of the Perpetual Virginity affirms the belief that the Blessed Virgin Mary remained a virgin throughout her life, even after giving birth to Jesus Christ.

This belief has been held by the Church since the time of the 12 Apostles, and is based on both personal testimonies and a number of biblical and theological considerations.

One interesting bible verse to consider is the book of Ezekiel 44:2 where God himself prophecies that no one else shall enter the gate through which the Messiah comes into the world.

So Jesus may have had many relative brothers and sisters — that is, cousins, — but he never actually had any biological brothers or sisters from the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. And we are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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And always remember that you too are called to a life of Holiness, Perfect Charity, and the Propagation of the Kingdom of God.

Pray. Listen. Obey.

See you in the next video.

Bye. 🙂

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