Giants, Fallen Angels And Other Weird Stuff

1 year ago

The National Enquirer Has Invaded The Church
For those of you who don’t know about the newspaper called The National Enquirer it is a tabloid news source that specializes in reports of the outlandish and absurd to get people to buy it. The cover stories are over-the-top and bring up scandals involving famous people and also throw in sensational claims that are often not supported by much more than hearsay. They are always derided by the mainstream press as what we now call fake news or misinformation, but until people quit buying the tabloid, it will exist. Gossip rags are always popular because people enjoy a good story whether it is true or not. However, since the dawn of the Internet such stories are more prevalent and easier to find, again regardless of their veracity. Dare I also mention professional wrestling or soap operas that both get a lot of followers as well? I will leave that for another day if I actually need to address them at all. For now, I am more concerned about the Body of Christ doing the same thing, which is to believe things either not in the Bible or tangentially mentioned. Living in what many believe to be the last of the last days, we simply don’t have a lot of time to waste on theories or tall tales.
But We Do Need To Address Them From Time To Time
Since I’ve been a Christian for 50 years, I’ve seen a lot of fads come and go. And I’ve heard even sermons broaching topics that are a tad outlandish, farfetched, and sometimes very unbiblical. So when asked what I think about the things mentioned, I feel obliged to respond. Saying I don’t know more than once is poor exegesis since I always say that Bible can provide answers to any question we come up with. But I certainly don’t want to make responding to these things the main thing I do. Also, unbelievers are interested in them and knowing what the Bible says can also allow us to segue to the real truth found in the Word of God, especially about Jesus, a man who came outside of time to die for our sins.

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