Court Overturns Mom’s Decision-Making Rights, Kids May Be Vaxxed Against

1 year ago

Apr 22, 2023

Attorney Garifalia Milousis joins us to explain a controversial family law case that should be of concern to all Canadians and to help raise funds for the legal defence of the mother in question.
An Ontario court of appeals overturned the rights of a mother to make medical decisions for her children by handing them to the father (names withheld due to publication ban) who wants the children vaccinated against Covid-19 against the wishes of both mother and children.

The appeal court ruling that awarded the father decision-making was based on judicial notice, which left the appeal decision to the discretion of the judge on whether to consider evidentiary evidence on the safety and efficacy of the medical treatment in question, that is, the Covid “vaccine” in this case.

Ms. Milousis explained that with judicial notice, “the judge gets to decide, him or herself, whether there is a decision that is so obvious, so uncontroversial, so well known, [like influenza is caused by a virus], that there’s not a need to prove it.” Thus, without looking at any evidence from outside experts, the appeal judge used the govt’s default position that Covid-19 “vaccines” are “safe and effective” to award medical decision-making for the two children.

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