Street Fighter 6 got me Raging | Why do I hate this Game when everybody loves it?

1 year ago

Street Fighter 6, Why do I hate this Game when everybody loves it?
This is NOT Street Fighter. This is Modern day gamBing for the contemporary millennial audience.
I thoroughly HATED Street Fighter 6 from start to finish. I hate millennial culture & the way they operate. Everything is a JOKE. Luke is like a completely lame version of John Cena only I don't want to see him & he has these bizarre Pop-Eye arms with a strangely Type B model walk & overly plump physique. Compare him to the character model of Ryu that you can play with & against & you'll see how off Luke looks & feels.
Then you have that annoying Jojo Siwa Pink juice kid that is your field guide & trainer... bro just look at my thumbnail, this IS what Capcom turned a once cool & tough game series & took all it's bite away.
It's all a Joke & none of it was funny.
You literally fight PEDESTRIANS to level up & your custom character/avatar is so generic with this Saints Row look & feel to them & then you have the "DRIP" store for your clothing, yes the store is called "DRIPPING" STFU already with all the Millennial BS!
I am a cut off Millennial & I HATE this crap. This will be the MOST dated Street Fighter game ever. I don't know why Capcom tried to target such an annoying gamBer base but, this is a HARD FRIGGING PASS for me.
I know a lot of people LOVED the demo & the game WILL sell, but this is how I felt about the game.
I just can't Wait for MORTAL KOMBAT 12. Unless they make it Pedestrian Kombat lol.
I hope you enjoyed hearing me rage throughout the video at least.
Some people have asked why do I say gamBers & gamBing? It's simple: In the word dumb, the B is silent, so I inserted & capitalized it in the words gamers & gaming when I think something is Stupid, because online the dumBies are anything But silent. gamBers be gamBing

#streetfighter #streetfighter6 #giggavega

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