'What Is a Friend?' Never Treat a Title Differently | Church 4/23/23

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Identities are demons. Never treat titles differently. What is a friend? Is it worth it? Anyone with anger is your enemy. Biblical Question: What is the one thing that separates you from God? Thoughts. We read 1 Corinthians 13, on love.

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, April 23, 2023

0:00:00 SILENT START (Mic off!)
0:01:30 Pre-church small talk
0:02:57 Satan stole many hours
0:05:12 JLP: Denayja Reese (TFS guest) and identities
0:14:00 Jews, Muslims fighting with Christians
0:21:00 JLP: Never treat a title differently
0:29:57 "I see the spirit in me." Why judge yourself?
0:32:25 Q: What is a friend?
0:38:28 (A guy brings up The Matrix)
0:45:23 (We need white babies; Practical titles vs identity)
0:49:25 (Christians are as cold as the LGBT people)
0:50:46 Nick feeling like you have friends
0:57:27 "Truth is overwhelming." Lie to the bad dancer for friendship?
1:04:42 God didn't make us not alone so we could fight together
1:06:15 Everybody fighting: Should Christians stop abortions?
1:12:16 JLP: Devil working both sides
1:15:32 Friends? Franky stayed with a lying girlfriend…
1:19:29 Doug: Kids fight, but don't hold grudges
1:22:22 JLP: Anyone with anger is your enemy (Jesus and disciples)
1:25:06 How to deal with shame; losing friends/family/girlfriend
1:33:47 JLP: No one's ever been there for you
1:34:35 Sean had an amazing conversation on the plane
1:40:36 JLP: The truth is for all, not of color
1:46:55 JLP: Sean dealing with the world in the light
1:48:00 BQ: The one thing that separates you from God?
1:49:41 JLP on BQ: The thoughts. Don't escape the pain. (1 Cor 13)

BLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/what-is-a-friend-never-treat-a-title-differently-church-4-23-23/

PODCAST: SUBSTACK https://rebuildingtheman.substack.com/p/what-is-a-friend-never-treat-a-title#details


Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM PT at BOND in Los Angeles http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | READ https://rebuildingtheman.com/prayer

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