Daily Chess play - 1408 - Should I have drawn Game 2 or went for the Win?

1 year ago

0:00 Game 1:
Free win as opponent resigned on Move 3.

0:27 Game 2:
Got a good position from Knight on c6, move 15. 6:12, Almost got checkmated on h2. He started trading on move 28 but I came out ahead with Two Rooks and Bishop vs 1 Queen. I was running low on time though so I took the draw anyway.

14:27 Game 3:
Move 19, Forked Queen and Rook on d2. Got the Rook for Free as I was also threatening Rook on f5. Got Bishop on b2 after check on b6. He got my Knight on d2 afterwards. We were trading off pawns afterwards. I wanted to trade Queens but he instead gave it to me so easy checkmate after that. He resigned.

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