Somali Mahed Exposed: Loves More His African Culture Over Islam

1 year ago

Allah swt exposes the degeneracy from these people eventually. Why do they hate on Pakistan and Pakistani culture. The country was literally made on Lailaha illah. For the Safety of Muslims. Yes we have criminals ruling it right now. Drunks womanizers. Sudras Lower caste Hindus in our community. But they aren't what Pakistan is about.

Africa wasn't built on the Kalimah. Islam came later on. So instead of Jealousy. Be united. You're not an individual as a Muslim. You're part of a body.

So loving your African Culture over Islam. Can take you out of the fold if not has already.

Mahed Mansa is the one who called Zoubida Jatt Luton over to Clubhouse to discredit me. Before that rooms were made against me in huge numbers. He worked with Kushite , Stacey Davis (popular with the somali apostates dressed half naked representing Islam in Somalia). I had the entire country against me for being Pakistani Muslim and stamping out the fires Islamophobes were trying to lite.

Their Psuedo Salafi beliefs and deep hatred and Jealousy for the Ottomon Empire. Was why they got recruited by governments to kill and discredit Muslims who don't want to follow their cult.

If its not from our Nabi ï·º its rejected. Its Not from us.

Insha'Allah Pakistan Afghanistan Turkey India Bangladesh all Muslims will Unite For the Love Of Allah swt and His Rasul ï·º and we'll be reliving the glorious days again one day soon.

The Degeneracy the Kaffirs offer is nothing but POVERTY AND HARAAM. Even the poorer kaffirs see it. They are the ones affected most and their families.

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