Modern-day Gnostic Antinatalism - Striving for better.

1 year ago

I consider myself a modern-day Gnostic Antinatalist. Here are ten commandments that I suggest Gnostic Antinatalists should adhere to:

1. Practice Antinatalism: Modern-day gnostics should avoid procreation as it causes immense suffering to others who are forced into existence without their consent. Therefore, they should refrain from having children and advocate for voluntary childlessness, adoption, and fostering. Modern-day gnostics who have already procreated should recognise the harm they have caused and strive to minimise their children's suffering. Therefore, they should dedicate themselves to fully supporting their children, providing them with love, care, and education. They should also take responsibility for their actions and apologise to their children for causing their suffering by bringing them into existence in an act of thoughtlessness.

2. Embrace Veganism and Animal Welfare: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the inherent value and sacredness of all life, including non-human animals, and strive to reduce their suffering. Therefore, they should adopt a vegan lifestyle, support animal sanctuaries, and advocate for animal rights.

3. Reduce Negative Environmental Impact: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the interconnectedness of all life on this planet and strive to minimise their impact on the environment. Therefore, they should adopt a minimalist lifestyle, reduce their carbon footprint, and support sustainable practices.

4. Help Others: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the interconnectedness of all life and strive to help others, especially those who are marginalised or suffering. Therefore, they should practice empathy, kindness, and generosity, and support social justice causes.

5. Seek Knowledge: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the limitations of human understanding and strive to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world. Therefore, they should cultivate a lifelong love of learning, explore diverse fields of knowledge, and seek to understand the mysteries of existence.

6. Abandon Desire: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the futility and emptiness of material desires and strive to cultivate inner peace and contentment. Therefore, they should practice mindfulness, meditation, and detachment, and avoid excessive consumption and materialism.

7. Detach from Biological Imperatives: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the limitations and imperfections of the human body and strive to transcend them. Therefore, they should celebrate the practice of celibacy if possible, if they are unable to maintain a celibate lifestyle they should respectfully practice monamory without procreaton, or polyamory without procreation, they should regularly submit themselves to periods of fasting, and other forms of bodily detachment, and seek to cultivate clarity of mind and spiritual awareness.

8. Practice Minimalism: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the inherent value of simplicity and strive to live with less. Therefore, they should embrace minimalism, declutter their lives, and avoid excessive accumulation of possessions.

9. Avoid Pride: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the fundamental equality of all beings and avoid pride and egoism. Therefore, they should practice humility, gratitude, and self-reflection, and avoid identifying with external labels or identities.

10. Atonement: Modern-day gnostics should recognise the harm they may have caused in the past and strive to atone for it. Therefore, they should seek to make amends for their mistakes, practice self-forgiveness and self-compassion, and strive to live in a way that is ethical, compassionate, and just.

We are in a hellish place, but that is no excuse for not walking through it with as much virtuous effort as we can muster.

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