Cancel this - My interview with Roseanne Barr (Short Clip of Highlights)

1 year ago

Cancel this! Roseanne Barr - Highlights from My interview with the Legendary Comedian

A short clip full of highlights from our interview with Roseanne who sat down with Michael & I to discuss Cancel culture, MK-Ultra, the globalists, genocide, Covid tyranny, jab mandates & her comedy!

Watch the rest of the interview here -

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A Cafe Locked Out and Kofy Time TV Special

Few people have travelled a path like Roseanne, from a Jewish girl growing up in Utah to becoming, by being herself, a world wide household name.

Her humor is her truth, a caustic honesty that most of us can relate to, but in this Woke world, it's liberating to hear,

She once said, "Laughter is a way for the individual to make the World Right" & now they've cancelled her.

Is that because we need to be protected from her humor and views, or with 28 million people watching the return of Roseanne, do the powerful, and the Woke, fear she is a great threat?

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