Bible Gems Gospel Light, Chapter 10 Ye Shall Receive Power, Milton Haack

1 year ago

Writings by Milton Haack
Bible Gems -- Gospel Light
Preface, and 12 Chapters/
About the Author
Milton Haack was born into a religious family but did not have a personal conversion relationship to the Lord, so consequently did not have peace with God or assurance of salvation.
Stationed on PT boats in the US Navy during the 2nd World War, he heard the gospel and was saved on the island of Samar, Philippines. He learned to love the Filipino people and almost immediately had a burden to one day return and share the Gospel with them. In 1958, the Lord opened the door for the family, including two young children, to sail for the Philippines. They lived in the Philippines for thirty-one years, sharing the Gospel and teaching the Bible. During that time, the Lord established seventeen New Testament churches, which are now indigenous, carrying on the work without foreign help.
In 1990 they returned to the United States for medical help. They now reside in Minnesota, where the author teaches and preaches in various local churches, and speaks at Bible conferences.
For the past ten years, he has made yearly trips to the Philippines to visit Christian friends and assemblies. It is always a happy reunion.
Milton’s testimony has been aired on the Unshackled Radio program a number of times since 1991.

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