Important Local Council Information

1 year ago

An update on some important local council information for those being locked out of council meetings, etc.
Councils have a commercial relationship with their constituents, so being denied access for acting threateningly is a excuse for councils barring people or shutting down meetings and holding them privately.
So don't give them the opportunity to do so.
On cyber security: nothing is safe. The D-Wave computer can decrypt the highest grade military encryption in seconds, or less-see this extraordinary article form Mike Adams, who is a very smart guy himself:
So nothing is safe, so don't let your information get in the wrong hands.
When I read that article my first thoughts were that any business should have the option of going full analogue, as it is often governments that want your information, because they count every bean going in and out of the country, and are all corporate themselves, meaning that they are businesses.
So why would they not want ALL of your information.
A long established fact, as detailed by Minivan Jack:
The site you are seeing that video on is one of mine. Check it out for some really important videos:

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