Be in!

1 year ago

It's difficult to convey the vision I personally experienced years ago that is unfolding praise the Lord now. This video hopefully will give you a glimpse of what is next. The puzzle pieces are coming together and each of us are part of it. We each need to get working on the entertainment for our own local 911 Annual Memorial Festival Benefits. Think about your special guests, secure speakers ( honor your local veterans and heroes. Showcase what is special about your town and your chosen cause. Loribella will help when you send a message on Loribella. Start thinking about music and skits. Watch the Carol Burnett Show and Bob Hope's USO tours during Viet Nam. Like the line in the movie Holiday with Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law, we need a little corny right now. It's time to remember why America was so blessed and wholesome once upon a time and go back to what we were before dark forces swept in.

Think about performing the songs and key moments from South Pacific. If you are near Rainbow, CA, we'll be announcing Summer Stock auditions once a 911 Annual venue is secured. Let's get'er done patriots!

May the Lord bless you and keep you under His rainbow. The best is yet to come!

Best wishes and happy celebrations,

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