Don’t Be Fooled… Redistribution of Wealth … IS SOCIALISM!

1 year ago

Don’t Be Fooled… Redistribution of Wealth … IS SOCIALISM! Signs of early Socialism. We the rich helping the poor is a redistribution of wealth. Home buyers will pay a fee on their mortgages through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The proposal is to charge a fee from the rich with good credit to pay the credit risk of the poor. A better policy as a nation should be to incentivize businesses, hiring people to promote a productive economy. Sitting at home and not working is not a plan of productivity. Venezuela is an example of a country we tried to destroy and now we’re held hostage to buying their dirty oil because Biden refuses to objectively use our existing oil resources to promote our own productivity and independence. We cannot subsidize those that don’t care! Separately, we seek justice against those, elected and bureaucrats, who did wrong, by this compromised President. Also complicit were: Comey, Clapper, Brennan, just a few, who steered the Russia narrative to take down Trump. Secretary of State Blinken and Attorney General Garland are now at the top of the list. A backlash against these wrong doers is coming. This sort of injustice is not going to stand, whether Biden pardons these wrongdoers or not.

Don’t Be Fooled… Redistribution of Wealth… IS SOCIALISM!
Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Friday, April 21, 2023 at 7:15am CST
Season 1, Episode 96

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