Sal Habibi: From Uber Driver To 4 Million On Amazon

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1 year ago

Join Patti Katter and Sal Habibi in a very inspiring journey through Sal's life experiences, from being a drug addict who got kicked out of all his jobs including the US Airforce, to a Millionaire who spends his time helping others get their life and finances together. Through sheer determination to succeed, meditation and manifestation, Sal was able to overcome adversity.

Here's a breakdown of what to expect in this episode:
• Sal's amazing background story and getting into Amazon FBA
• An upcoming book
• His own Brand in Amazon
• On teaching a full program from account creation
• On trials in life: getting kicked out of every job including USAF
• Reading books that changed his life.
• Meditation and Manifestation from having nothing

About Sal Habibi:

Sal was raised in what most would consider a low-income family that struggled month to month to make ends meet. His father, an immigrant from Afghanistan, was the financial provider for the family. So, from an early age, Sal was helping him with his small business of buying things from garage sales, loading them up in a truck and taking them to local swap meets to flip them. This was the start of his experience in entrepreneurship. Throughout high school Sal was focused on flipping things on eBay and helping out his dad. Soon after graduating he started community college and while there, he was introduced into the toxic world of selling drugs.

Around 2016 while attending college, getting fired from multiple jobs, uninterested in most career paths, he started helping a friend sell drugs to make some extra cash. This started the downward spiral of his life at the time. He got deep into the environment of drugs, abusing and selling. Things escalated quickly as the years went by and he decided to join the US. Air Force to try and straighten out his life. After 3 years in the U.S Air force he was eventually kicked out for failing a drug test, as he got right back into the same lifestyle upon returning from basic training. This was the turning point in his life. He had successfully gotten fired from every job, dropped out of college, got addicted to drugs, kicked out of the Air Force and ruined all his relationships.

This is when he decided to leave his apartment, move back into his parents' house, start driving for Uber and decided to turn his life around for good. He completely stopped using drugs, got rid of everything and left his old life behind this time. Around the end of 2019 he used the money he had saved up to hire a mentor to teach him Amazon FBA. He launched his first brand from the earnings he had from driving for Uber.

Fast forward to today, Sal has made over $2M in revenue selling on Amazon, he met his girlfriend/ partner Jacque who was also in the same space and together founded the FBA Growth University - an eLearning platform for people all around the world to learn about starting their own Amazon FBA stores. They've successfully helped hundreds of people launch on Amazon, and their students today have even surpassed the records they once held selling on Amazon.

For the last few years, they've traveled the world living in different countries working as digital nomads, together generated millions of dollars and are now working on charitable events and giving back. Sal focuses on providing motivational content to encourage others who may feel stuck or unqualified, to also pursue their goals and change their habits to better their life.
He hopes his story full of obstacles and bad choices that has turned into a successful multi-millionaire entrepreneur can motivate people like him to go after more in life and think bigger and better.

You can find Sal Habibi on . . .

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