Makenzie's Malindi Cult Taught William Branham's Serpent Seed Doctrine

1 year ago

News reports out of Kenya are painting a much worse picture of the mass suicide of “Message” believers than we first imagined. According to capital news, police are still exhuming bodies, and witnesses are telling authorities that as many as 58 graves can be found in the Shakahola Village. Some of the graves that have been opened have contained more than one body, most of them children, and at least one of them buried alive.

The news reports examined the religious books used by Paul Mackenzie and the Malinda cult display several books published by Spoken Word Publications in Jeffersonville, Indiana, the headquarters for William Branham’s cult of personality. Worse, it appears that Mackenzie used Branham’s version of Serpent’s Seed, or Christian Identity Doctrine, to brainwash the sect — just as had happened in Colonia Dignidad. Mackenzie’s sermons contain several speeches and videos talking about Serpent’s seed.

It is unclear as of yet whether or not Mackenzie also taught Branham’s racist “Hybreeding” doctrine, the combination of which was the foundational teaching of Wesley Swift’s Christian Identity Doctrine used to fuel white supremacy groups, Neo-Nazis, and other groups in the United States. If so, Mackenzie was spreading Branham’s white supremacy teaching throughout Kenya.

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Paul Mackenzie:

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