Unidentified UFO & Alien Encounters, Demonic Attachments - @profoundstates8252 & @typicalskeptic

1 year ago

Charles "Michael" Beaver Bio:
I worked in the motion picture industry, between short IT related contracts, off and on, for over a decade, as a stuntman, in Houston, Texas, some time ago. Doing a martial arts side kick off the top of a 2 story racket ball court (as the death scene), in West Texas, was the most dangerous stunt that I ever did.

My wife and I have been plagued by paranormal activities all our lives; both before and after we met.

I always thought that my life would be an awesome movie. But I think that it would create problems for many people. In other words, it would tend to scare the you know what out of many people if it were filmed, in first person, exactly as I experienced it. I've gone through some pretty hair raising experiences. And many of these stretch your mind close to the breaking point. Such would be the same effect on anyone else who were put through the same bizarre experiences.

I've been working on a book for over 40 years. It's about ETs, consciousness, and the paranormal. I have put many moving pieces together. I think that it's an excellent work. Two men have edited it thus far. One is the smartest person that I've ever met; and is, possibly, the world's best expert on one once suppressed, Royal Raymond Rife, technology (based on the usage of plasma fields of charged gas in a tube; like with neon lights). The other editor, of my book, wrote the world's most voluminous book on herbs.


http://profoundstates.com/bio.htm -- biography

http://profoundstates.com/hsa.htm -- movie bio

http://profoundstates.com/my_interviews.htm - 30 interviews

http://profoundstates.com/book.htm - book (index and a short excerpt)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPxycUMNBJZsI38NIifevSw?view_as=subscriber - podcast

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