More Chinese Cops Arresting People in NYC Than NYPD

1 year ago

News Breaks:
• FBI Director Chris Wray is a fork-tongued partisan more interested in prosecuting Trump people than shutting down Communist Chinese police stations operating on US soil.

• CCP police stations are tip of iceberg. CCP cops operate across US on college campuses to keep Chinese students toeing the party line and focused on stealing US tech and IP secrets.

• When Hong Kong fell, we lost a golden opportunity to choke off western capital to Communist China when we failed to close the Hong Kong clearing houses.

• The Communist Chinese buy up our farmland and pork supply, fly spy balloons, infiltrate our universities, steal intellectual property and get off the US dollar with the help of the Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Russia.

• The CCP mission is to take America without firing a shot. That Sun Zu. The Art of War. That's the highest strategy.

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