Sec. Blinken Must Be Held Accountable

1 year ago

News is coming out about U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his involvement in orchestrating an intelligence letter that discredited the finding of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story. This move likely influenced the 2020 presidential election by obscuring important information about one of the candidates from the public.

Just yesterday, we told you about an IRS whistleblower who told Congress that Deep State operatives within the agency had covered up for Hunter Biden, ignoring recommendations to consider criminal charges against the younger Biden.

Now a former CIA deputy director has come forward to say that Blinken was at least one of the influences behind the disinformation campaign to cover up the laptop reports. As reported by Fox News:

"A former CIA official testified that then-Biden campaign senior adviser, now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken “played a role in the inception” of the public statement signed by current and past intelligence officials that claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell [sic] testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, and revealed that Blinken was “the impetus” of the public statement signed in October 2020 that implied the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was disinformation."

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of the testimony from former CIA Deputy Director Morell and what it could mean for Biden’s Secretary of State. We’re also joined by ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs and former Director of the CIA Mike Pompeo. ACLJ Senior Advisor Ric Grenell, the former Acting Director of National Intelligence, was also on the broadcast to share his reaction to this revelation about Hunter Biden.

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