1 year ago

STORMY Days ahead the next 3 weeks- spiritually and in the natural. I sense that things are heating up on the governmental stage between black hats and white hats. So what you should be seeing the next 3 weeks are MAJOR irregular storms in the natural and by the spirit. Because the body is already tired, so if you don’t know how to break off the arrows coming at your faith, love, hope, belief, confidence, & trust in the Lord and His word, then you won’t make it into this new level.
Matter of fact, the majority, if not ALL enemies will lose their way in C2 this year- because C2 is set up purposefully by God to force people to fail, or to find out WHO will trevail, and press into Gods heart HIS WAY! Not mans! So you think your way will stand in Chamber 2 of Gods fiery portion of His heart, you are kidding yourself. Because C2 is built to REFINE or JUDGE. Its all up to you- as to how you walk through Kingdom. In Life or in Death. Every day we have the choice to choose LIFE or CHOOSE death. If you are walking in the flesh you are walking in DEATH.
But when we choose to change and be changed more into Gods LOVE/HIS WAYS we are choosing LIFE! But when you lower your standards and do life YOUR WAY vs. YAWEHS way, your building the enemies kingdom within you. Instead of Gods. And God doesn’t serve the devil the devil serves God and His purposes! So do we whether we want to or not!
But whats happening to you at this portion of your testing? Whats Witchcraft being used by God to hit His people with? Because THIS IS THE PERMISSIVE WILL OF GOD. When God allows evil to come at His people for a greater purpose!
The enemy WANTS Americans to lose interest at this point in the test so that they stop paying attention/ they stop praying which is a TACTIC of C2. To get your mind SO tired that you quit pressing into the new level of Gods spirit so that you can hit the place of safety!

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