Unrestricted | Susan Swift: Explaining Court Battles Over Chemical Abortion

1 year ago

Mifepristone, approved in America under President Bill Clinton with support from the Population Council of the Rockefellers, is the most commonly used abortion drug in America. Apparently, the drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in violation of the agency’s own rules. Moreover, neither the agency nor the states collect post-marketing safety data on the drug, which is associated with severe adverse reactions in mothers.
In this interview with The New American, pro-life attorney Susan Swift of The Right to Life League describes how chemical abortion drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, work to starve a pre-born baby off nutrients and then induce contractions to expel her from the uterus. As barbaric and risky as chemical abortion is, the Biden administration made it widely available to women by drastically expanding the distribution of mifepristone through pharmacies and mail-in options, lifting much of any reasonable safety restrictions. Then the attorney goes into detail to explain the complexity of the litigation surrounding the approval of mifepristone, which has just made it all the way up to the Supreme Court.

To learn more about and support the Right to Life League, please visit https://righttolifeleague.org/
To learn more about Susan, please visit https://realsusanswift.com/

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