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The Calcified Pineal Gland Oxytocin Heart-Love Connection
A Man's Ability to Love in this World is Being Targeted, and it is up to us to Change this:
The Pineal Gland and Access to the Emotions of the Heart
As a human being with a PhD, I’m used to thorough and deep research. Every single point, I put forth has to be justified in the realm of scientific study. As a feeling human being, however it’s somewhat different. We truly react with our emotions to information coming at us. It’s the vibration, the frequency and the resonance of what we read, which is that which we react to.
So, this article is a bridge between those two worlds: the world of what we call science, from which we gain our 'facts', and the world of our heart and our intuition from which we gain our feels.
I know that we actually need both. A non-distorted version of science, which is true and honest and open-investigation into new areas of enquiry without bias, restriction or censorship
the emotional intuitive understanding, which is the truth of our human soul.
We practice and carry forth this mix of information, -the findings of our minds into this world. We us eit to determine how we function, how we live, breathe and truly work as human beings.
So please forgive me if you don’t like some of the 'technical talk'. I have put this in another colour. You can skip and fly over it to your hearts content, or bury your nose deep into the details. -Some of these are truly fascinating.
I will endeavour to tell a story and hold your attention, so here goes:
A man's heart has come to be shut off from his mind- this is what is said in many places at many times.
And now, to add insult to the injury, we have studies* showing us how the mRNA injections were designed to target the off-switching of specific genes within our chromosomes, to disrupt our connection to Source.
We have toxins in almost every food we eat, -often in the water we drink and grow our food in, and also in our air from the constant chem-trail spraying. And all of that together adds to provide confusion, distortion and disconnection between our original genetic code as human beings and the Source energy which created and feeds us.
Yes. You knew these things. Yes, it's sad, and yes, you feel angry at this, but what can we do?
Change our food production, leave processed toxins behind and clean up our bodies. But what of those structures which seem to have ben permanently damaged- is there hope for these?
I began stating that the heart, and communicator of emotions from our soul, particularly in our men, has become cluttered and disconnected on the conscious level? Well, how exactly has that happened?
In the brain we have extraordinary complex stations where specific chemical compounds are created. These 'hormones' are messengers sent around the body to deliver specific instruction on how to metabolise, 'what to do' in any given moment. We create them to travel through intense feelings, to sustain our concentration, to exaggerate and access the bliss of our souls- among many other functions of repair, regulation and homeostasis.
The most 'famous' of these brain-stations, is the 'pineal gland'- secretion-home to the hormones of GABA, Orexin, Serotonin, Histamine, Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Melatonin. Most of you will only know it for its role in the day and night regulation of our bodies and minds through the wonder of Melatonin.
Pinealocyte cells are found only in the Pineal gland. They are very very complicated cells.
If you just glance at the diagram, you can begin to comprehend the number of interactions the biologist shave been attempting to map and understand.
These are the, 'autocrine and/or paracrine' and 'tripartite synapse with astrocytes and postganglionic sympathetic terminals'. These are systems of of chemical exchange and formulation- decoding messages from the body delivered through the blood by chemical messengers. The Pinealocyte cells speak many languages.
Add to that, "it seems that the spontaneous electrical activity of all pinealocytes is not identical. Some researchers have grouped pinealocytes accordingly into ‘clusters’ of regularly firing cells (REG) and rhythmically firing cells (RHY), the latter forming the minority (Schenda and Vollrath, 1997; Figure 4)."
"This indicates that these cells likely only fire in response to deliberate input from structures contributing the pineal gland innervation, therefore, exhibiting no spontaneous input of their own. However, the exact function of these cells remains unknown. "
And no-one yet understands ( as far as we know) just how all of these varying process cause the secretion of that beguiling sleep hormone, Melatonin. They just know that they do.
And all of this happening in one tiny cell- or whole groups of such cells within the pineal.
'Commissoral inputs' are bundles of nerve fibres connecting parts of the brain- information highways. And there are two main highways of these ending within the pineal. It is a hub of intelligent interface- things get talked about in there. and mostly we don't yet know what these are....
**Of course 'we' haven't heard what these things are- because they are used in the mind-slating processes and memory insertions used and developed for the MKUltra Programming and the secret space programmes such as twenty and back. We are kept in the dark about it all.
I am going to knuckle in on this particularly interesting chemical messenger: Oxytocin.
Many of us gals will know about this marvel: after we have given birth. The memory of that pain- the muscle-memory is wiped-clean by the flooding into our circulation of this wonder Oxytocin. It suppresses pain memory. It stimulates euphoria, it allows more of the spiritual energy to be felt in the body and less of the three dimensional physical recovery of the muscle tissues which, let's face it, literally get torn apart during the process of facilitating a large beautiful baby being to leave our wombs. When we breast feed, the pull from our baby's mouth informs the manufacture and delivery of Oxytocin into our blood.
It also appears at other moments in our lives: Oxytocin is created when we are hugely physically stressed, as a way for us to survive the trauma. It is also created when the mind is sexually aroused. Many would say because it is secreted as humans feel sexually attracted, but truly, it is the consciousness of the individual, informing the chemical substrates.
Duke University, 2016 have stated that this hormone ( and neurotransmitter), allows us to "feel awe and wonder- spiritual connection to energy beyond our physical body confines. "*
Oxytocin is also seen as a social connector, engendering trust and loyalty. These aspects of love, of lessening pain, of allowing us to want to feel closely connected to others and to our creator, are given us when our bodies create this magic little compound. Because it can be secreted during sex, it is often said to be the factor enabling a state of loyalty in love relationships, which allows a partnership to be maintained indefinitely. It is particularly profound on its effect on men, as women have other means of activating and feeling this sense of love and connection to their partner- but that is a discussion for another day...
I bring all of this wonder of the body to your attention because, people's ability to produce these magnificent regulators and enhancers of life are being sabotaged on a grand and dangerous scale. Mostly it is labelled as 'Pineal Gland Calcification'*. This describes a state, where this little place in our brain has 'acquired' too much calcium and is unable to perform its functions due to hardening of all of the secretion and receptor tissues. It is turned to stone....medusa-style. Calcification is what happens at muscle injury sites, heavy infections, arteries, and pre-cancer-zones, it's not good. It prevents free-flowing energy and substances, it blocks sensitive tissue and is reduces surface area and receptors of information.
Now what causes this to happen? Fluoride in the water, and toxins in the food are the main culprits, and add to this, ignoring the natural functions of the pineal -such as regulating sleep. If we force ourselves with ambitious minds, beyond what our body naturally wants us to do, ignoring the carefully timed release of melatonin for our waking sleeping cycles, the chemical has nowhere to go and its sensitive communication system regulating production is over-taken by an imbalanced societally-driven will. Oops! We broke it!
Then we have the role of the calcium ions. This is important- for we have been endlessly told how 'calcified' our pineal glands are. These ions are what is known as, 'secondary messengers'. Like hormones, their job is to convey information from outside a cell to inside it. They are particularly important for how nerve cells and muscle cells respond. An example of the weight of this kind of stimulus could be, increased heart rate for example, as stated by .John A. Cooper
Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
"The calcium ion Ca2+ has a critical role in the rapid responses of neurons and muscle cells. At rest, cells maintain a low concentration of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm, expending energy to pump these ions out of the cell. When activated, neurons and muscle cells rapidly increase their cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration by opening channels in the cell membrane, which allow Ca2+ ions outside the cell to enter rapidly."
Cells at rest have few calcium ions. Cells which are stimulated have many, because they have opened their gates to the ions.
Some pineal cells respond in a regular fashion and some in a rhythmic fashion. But they cluster in little groups of active cells and quiet, listening ones.- The pineal gland likes to make music....
Just loop back with me a mo, will you?
I stated that the man's heart in our world is being shut off to feelings: the ability to feel and exercise love and other sensitive emotions. Oxytocin is manufactured for men in the Pineal gland.
The pineal gland is getting calcified, on a daily basis.
And we thought it was just the jabs and the food.....nope, we are doing this to ourselves, by what we consume, how we think and what we allow ourselves to feel..
I am going to add a couple more ingredients into our mixing bowl now:
Light? yes. Light affects our pineal gland. We've all heard the expression, 'The Third Eye'? This is because the pineal has a direct connection to the eyes and retina through a special cable of communication and several nodes of neurones, called the 'SCG' or 'superior cervical ganglion'.
“The retina and the pineal gland are the organs primarily responsible for the body’s recognition and sophisticated processing of external light."*
What else do we know which makes light, and which we have been using a LOT more of in recent years? Any bells ringing chaps?
What about this picture...?
Yes, the light from our personal computers. -Almost constantly.
So now, to a little explanation of light and frequency, and how this affects our pineal:
It is worth noting that the pathway of light to the pineal is not direct. The eyes pick up the light on their retina, this information passes through the SCN, PVN, IML, the SCG, and finally to the pineal. - why so many places if the job of the pineal is to register light levels and secret melatonin only...?
Although this named pathway is considered the important one, there are other influencers sending information to the pineal.
"However, other structures may also innervate the gland such as: the trigeminal ganglion (Yamamoto et al., 1983; Shiotani et al., 1986; Moller et al., 1993; Matsushima et al., 1994; Matsuura et al., 1994; Reuss, 1999), the lateral geniculate nucleus (Korf and Wagner, 1980; Mikkelsen and Moller, 1990), lateral hypothalamus (Fink-Jensen and Møller, 1990), the dorsal raphe nucleus (Leander et al., 1998; Moller and Hay-Schmidt, 1998), and fibres such as the habenular and posterior commissures (Moller, 1978; Moller and Korf, 1983; Reuss and Moller, 1986; Larsen et al., 1991), and the greater petrosal nerve (Kenny, 1967; Romijn, 1975). "
"However, it may be that any projections from these structures to the pineal are aberrant and non-functional (le Gros Clark, 1940; Kappers, 1960b, 1965; Romijn, 1975). These projections remain a matter of great debate amongst researchers and further research is required to elucidate their exact relationship with the pineal gland."
When scientists attempted to stimulate the pineal glad with electrical impulses- frequencies - in order to promote failing melatonin production they discovered that the pineal cells do not respond evenly- they may react to one side of the body's information via the major nerve clusters CST. I think it is also important to point out how sensitive and 'picky' this organ is to the information coming at it.
"It has been observed that high and low frequency stimulation of various central structures, viscera, and vasculature can exert opposite effects (Ngai et al., 1999; Stener-Victorin et al., 2006; Cakmak et al., 2008; Zhao, 2008; Liu et al., 2012; Su et al., 2018). Therefore, it is likely a frequency dependent effect exists in the stimulation of the pineal gland."
And this is important in what we discover next:
Neuromodulation is the “alteration of nerve activity through targeted delivery of a stimulus such as electrical stimulation…” (International Neuromodulation Society, 2018).
These studies highlight that various frequencies of electrical energy or light, are capable of influencing the pineal gland’s sympathetic pathway. This is the light transmission pathway from eye to Pineal. It was found that bursts of High frequencies are more effective, as a communication or stimulus signal, than continuously emitted frequencies. They used short bursts of high frequency in their experiments, finding longer times and similar frequencies to be less affecting.
What DO our phones do for us? They enable us to zoom from video to video, blinky message to message and propel our eyes into a wide range of flickery light signals- frequencies. We are literally being burst upon by our screens.
"The current used to stimulate the SCG could also play a role in the response rate of pinealocytes, with higher currents resulting in hyperpolarisation of postganglionic cell membranes, and therefore, a lessened response from pinealocytes."
(Bowers and Zigmond, 1982)
The cells in our pineal are affected by this light.
We are secreting less oxytocin, our melatonin levels are gone crazy, and we've had a massive upswing in Alzheimers too, haven't we?
"Between 2000 and 2018, deaths resulting from stroke, HIV and heart disease decreased, whereas reported deaths from Alzheimer's increased 146.2%. "
2020 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures, - 'nuff said.
10 March 2020
Long term ill health affects of limited melatonin secretion/pineal function leads to sleep deprivation, which they say,
" is also linked to an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (for review see: Kumar and Chanana, 2014)." "Given that melatonin is a prominent regulator of the sleep-wake cycle, it has been suggested that this reduction in melatonin may at least partially drive the development of the disease. "
And they've done it through the eyes.
"the experimenters investigated the effect of trans-auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on pinealectomized ZDO rats and were still able to observe acute increases in plasma melatonin levels similar to that seen in intact ZDO rats"
They found that long periods of stimulus were needed, the effect was noticeable hours after this, and this also could not be sustained. Single, unusual doses were the most effective.
Such as specific frequencies- suddenly.
Which leads me on to the electricity supply in homes. Whether you yourself have noticed or not, electrical frequencies in homes change. I was always sensitive to this, so much so that my parents were told to place a long copper pipe in the loft to conduct extra-electrical frequencies out and away from my body- and headaches. But sudden surges can he heard- at a very high silver pitch- the kind usually only children's ears can hear. What are those? Surges somehow escaping the transformer stations of the power grid? You would think that such wastage would have been regulated or removed?
Could there be another purpose to these?
Especially if you are snuggled up next to your television, your head is near your ipad or phone, your body covered with a laptop.....
Using headphones or electrical ear buds is also 'interesting' when placed in this context: "an auricular branch of the vagus nerve exists in the ear and stimulation of this part of the anatomy has been shown to successfully stimulate the vagus nerve (Lewy and Newsome, 1983; Kreuzer et al., 2012, 2014; Capone et al., 2015). " The vagus nerve is the big one, running down our entire spine. It is essential.
"A 10 Hz frequency appears capable of eliciting temporal facilitation whilst much lower frequencies are not."
Now pull waaaaaay back. Let's talk a little 5G. So, some of us had a special piece of mRNA inserted into our genome (our collection of genes code the structure and functioning of our body), when we received the 'jab'.
Then, voila, we had a strange changeover during the lockdowns- urgent replacement work all over our so-called developed world countries, where LED's replaced normal street-lighting. We also had 5G towers 'urgently' built. LED's (light emitting diodes), convey an electromagnetic field around them which affects us. Of course it does: the scientists have just shown how they can put little electrical stimuli into our brains to make us change the way we sleep- or secrete the hormone melatonin.
How is it that 'suddenly' these huge eM fields of LED and 5G masts have zero effect upon us?
Oh, and they don't ever claim that, do they? The UN actually produced studies showing the fatalities of school and kindergarten-aged children around transmitter masts and advised against siting educational establishments within four km of such transmitters.
In their studies with the pineal glands of bunny rabbits, they came to realise that the optimum stimulation was a low frequency. "This suggests that although a pineal modulatory response may be elicited with stimulation at 300 Hz, a maximal response may be achieved with a much lower frequency." Now what around us is emitting low frequencies?
In another gruesome set of experiments where the rats are, (in their words) "sacrificed", they concluded that, "Therefore, they inferred that there exists a time delay between application of a stimulus and an effect on pineal melatonin and AANAT levels (Olcese et al., 1987). " There was a delay between stimulus and effect.
That could be handy, -non?
So tricky to trace.... you might just be passing an emitter, but you wouldn't drop dead in front of, in a few metres, - a few hundred metres down the road or further if you travelled fast.... but I am overstepping myself here. Lets get back to the studies:
They also tried to stimulate the pineal cells via the ears - 'non-invasively': "Stimulation was applied once during the day-time to the right auricular concha region via opposing magnetic electrodes. Stimulation frequency switched every second between 2 and 15 Hz at a current of 2 mA."
I told you I was writing about how men can love- no?
Well I am:
light emitted from electrical equipment is affecting the way in which our pinealocytes are able to function.
Fluoride in our water is causing a slow death of the same cells and that coupled with other environmental toxins is causing our pineal cells to calcify.
All the hormones secreted by the pineal gland, GABA, Orexin, Serotonin, Histamine, Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Melatonin are being affected.
Men are not able to get their oxytocin balance and their hearts are not able to feel deeply.
Feeling deeply helps you connect to your source energy.
Connecting to your source energy enables you to 'listen' to the messages passing, (just like the hormones between the cells in our body), from God-Source to human consciousness. We are not able to intuit our behaviours, limit our use of the abusing substances, generate our upliftment, further our love, attachment and loyalty, and experience the deep opening love.
Oh dear. We are f***d.
After running through all the various different ways these wondrous cells respond, the researchers end up with one fact that they state with some relief: "The above studies show that modulation of the pineal gland is achievable on a cellular level, however, they also highlight the variability in response rate that can occur with different stimulation paradigms. "
In other words, it can be helped, but in different ways for different people.
So we have different ways to stimulate this gland, different pathways.
We have scientists rushing about looking to find out how they can stimulate a small part of our brain electrically in order to get it to produce certain genes (the mRNA AANAT for example- one of the many chemical messengers travelling in and around the pineal gland to effect hormone production) to create an important hormone. Normal science asks: what frequency and duration will cause change and how do we apply it?
They want to zap us to heal us or....There are also other solutions:
we have the power within our bodies to change anything when we think and act energetically.
For example, I , as a singer, constantly use my voice to generate specific sound frequency fields where I can re-assert an harmonic balance to my agitated cells.*
Many now have rudimentary awareness of the ancient science of the solfeggio frequencies bound up in our musical scales. Studies are also on-going as to what specific frequencies can be used to counteract and shift the negative light, electrical and telecommunications frequencies jammed at us continuously.
David hood, a pioneer int he field fo healing through specific frequency, identified the 10hrz frequency range as a solution- the same frequency the pineal gland scientists used in their experiments.
This explanation, taken from the website shows treatment protocols
In 1989 David Hood found chronic (30+ days) 10 Hz stimulation TRIPLED two critical enzymes of final stages of cell respiration, citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase.
10 Hz Treatment for Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (47)
10 Hz Treatment for closed head injury (48)
10 Hz Dominant alpha frequency, clarity, normalcy, anti-convulsant circadian rhythm resync, activate kidneys, raise body temp, more serotonin. (40)
10 Hz Berger rhythm (07)
10 Hz Enhanced release of serotonin and mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mixes (16)
10 Hz Acts as an analgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover and jet lag. (11)
10 Hz For learning a foreign language fast, (18)
10 Hz In a study using 20 minute sessions of 10-Hz photic stimulation, it was found that the daytime level of melatonin decreased and increases in the levels of endorphin, serotonin and norepinephrine. Shealy's group suggested that an increase in beta endorphins is associated with a sense of well being and decreased pain. The increase in norepinephrine and serotonin and the decrease in melatonin suggest an increase in the level of alertness. (35)
10 Hz increases in neurochemical levels: 11% increase in Norepinephrine levels, 21% increase in Serotonin levels, 25% increase in Beta-Endorphin levels
In 2003 NASA-Goodwin found 10 Hz square wave stimulation caused neural tissue regeneration @ 4x baseline, w/better 3-D orientation; cell DNA signature reverted from maturation to developmental (more than 175 maturation genes and 150 developmental genes pgs. 15-18)..
In NASA study above, mitochondrial robustness due to 10 Hz stimulation provided the energy to support regeneration at 4 times baseline. There is related information in that author's patents at US 6485963 and 6673597, both of which are titled "Growth stimulation of biological cells and tissue by electromagnetic fields and uses thereof".
"We have clearly demonstrated the bioelectric/biochemical potentiation of nerve stimulation and restoration in humans as a documented reality".
If we want to take back the full use of our miraculous bodies, access more love and feel closer to our families and partners, we are going to have to tackle food, water, light toxicity and heal it ourselves through vibration. Scalar centres are the newest helper out there to achieve new vibrational fields externally, in which we can submerse ourselves or. We learn ways of increasing our own frequency, generating it specifically using our thoughts and our voices and begin taking back all that is naturally ours and that was stolen from us.
But, if we want men with open hearts, able to love, and give what needs to be shared with his partner and family, we had better start disseminating this information- quickly.
You may disagree- and tell me that all is hunky-dory in the world of men and women. But the facebook messages alone which pour daily into my inbox tell me different: I see a world where men look to take emotionally from women because they have forgotten how to raise and maintain their own internal love connection. Some men have worked through this, nourished their bodies and spirits and regained their god-given clarity. But they are in the tiny minority. It IS time to change the world. and we are the ones to do it. You, and Me.
Dr Isabel Aimee Berkeley
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