Netflix Gets SUED! Backlash From Egyptians Over New Cleopatra Docu-Drama From Jada Pinket-Smith

1 year ago

Afrocentrism is a pseudoscience that is pushing a group’s agenda to claim Egypt’s history and rob the actual Egyptians from it,” explained Maha Shehata and Aikk Yasser. “By using false articles and zero evidence, they are still attempting to falsify history.” This is how a petition started on against the new docu-drama from Netflix covering the life an rule of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. This docu-dram tries to change the historical linage of Cleopatra into making her African instead of Greek where he family hails from. Well now a lawyer in Egypt is suing Netflix over the re-writting of history and it's not looking good. What are the details? Lets find out.

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