ASSAILANT SEIZED: Suspect Armed With Three-Hole Punch Arrested For Assaulting Bystanders With It

1 year ago

This bizarre footage shows officers grappling with a suspect armed with a three-hole punch who used it to assault bystanders and employees at a medical facility before he gets arrested.

The incident reportedly took place in Oklahoma City, in the US State of Oklahoma, on Monday, 13th March.

However, the Oklahoma City Police Department did not release the footage until a month later, on Friday, 14th April.

The department said in a statement obtained by Newsflash: "Last month one of our officers was injured by a bullet graze wound after responding to an assault at a medical facility."

The incident reportedly began as police responded to a call about an intake patient assaulting employees and bystanders with a metal three-hole punch.

After refusing to cooperate with officers, the suspect grabbed the officer’s gun and fired a round, grazing the officer's leg.

Police said the video shows the officer taking the gun out of the suspect’s hands and taking him into custody.

The officer and a few people at the facility were reportedly taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for their injuries.

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