Wake Up Canadians

1 year ago

Trudeau makes corruption the new normal in politics

After five years in power, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has succeeded in normalizing corruption in Canadian politics.

That was a key finding in a Global/Ipsos poll of 2,000 Canadian adults, taken Aug. 17-18 and released last week.


Corruption in Canada worst in a decade, finds international watchdog

Since 2015, the year Liberal leader Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister, Canada has fallen nine points, to a score of 74 out of 100 on the Transparency International's 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index. No country has seen a bigger drop in ratings since 2017 than Canada.


Justin Trudeau Expresses ‘Admiration’ for China in Resurfaced Video

Far-left Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is under fire for his poor handling of his country’s anti-mandate protests, praised China’s dictatorship in a resurfaced video from 2013.


Justin Trudeau: Puppet Prime Minister of Canada

Foreign interference has helped Trudeau get elected several times.

Is Justin Trudeau a fake prime minister? Some shocking leaks from Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (csis) to the Globe and Mail reveal that the Chinese Communist Party interfered in the 2019 and 2021 elections to ensure Trudeau was reelected into a minority government.

The most damning detail is that the prime minister was briefed on the threat of Chinese interference in 2019 and 2021 but did nothing to stop the Chinese operations in either election. Why?


Justin Trudeau Worst Prime Minister In Modern Canadian History

A new survey undertaken by Polling Canada found that Canadians have rated Justin Trudeau the worst Prime Minister of modern times.

Those Who Say (X) Has Been Canada’s Worst Prime Minister:

J. Trudeau: 29%, Harper: 17%, P. Trudeau: 6%, Campbell: 6%, Mulroney: 5%.

Cultural Action Party cannot help but delve into multiple curiosities, mostly related to media presentation:

“Three-in-Ten Canadians Say Justin Trudeau is Worst Recent Prime Minister.”


Justin Trudeau is destroying Canada from the inside out

He likes to present himself as erudite. Anyone who refers to mankind as “peoplekind,” confuses Japan with China on more than one occasion, believes that terrorism “happen[s] because someone feels excluded,” or proudly states regarding the review of an arms deal with Saudi Arabia that “we take … the breaking of contracts very seriously in this country” cannot be considered an intellectual giant. In 2016, he attempted to demonstrate his putatively brilliant insight into quantum field theory. Instead, he revealed himself a shallow dilettante at play, as if little more than an ethereal quantum fluctuation himself, whose antics could fool only an equally ignorant media and frivolous electorate. Trudeau studied environmental geography at McGill University and engineering at the Université de Montréal, but few people know that he failed to complete degrees in either faculty.


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