Careers & Pollution: fix: Increasing the Middle Class: & Hiring in the Future

1 year ago

Government Implementation:
To increase the middle class & vastly reducing the poverty class: while also allowing for the purchase of sustainable & ecological goods, by most everyone.

Increasing the middle class, with:
1 old-high paying job shared w/2-3 more workers instead of being occupied by only 1 worker.
No extra cost to business', ie. (1) 90k yr career, becomes (3) 30k yr careers, or (2) 45k careers.
EVs are able to be purchased by most everyone, organics eaten,
which makes for a healthier population & climate,
allowing for a stable "Ecological Economy".
Far less poverty, less crime, a safer society in general.
Then... those "new middle class" that ever are in-between jobs, will have their ev's ready to use for instant work as Uber & Amazon drivers, Instacart, etc.

& No extra money to adopt the system is ever spent.
Pretty sure that this plan (shown above)... is the best "Economy" that's ever been written.
You can all yell an "economy" is enslavement, but having a smooth transition away from retaining a poverty class is required. Utopia can only happen after this transition.

Therese Vaux de la Fontaine
La Reine de France

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