Understanding the Dynamics of Our Relationship with God || #shorts

1 year ago

Prayers may not be answered because God's will is different from ours. God has a better plan for us and it may not be what we want.
Prayer can also be held back because of a lack of faith in us. When we doubt the power of prayer and God's power to answer our prayers, it can hinder its success.
Sin can be the cause of withholding prayer. When we commit a sin, it can hinder our relationship with God and hinder the answers to our prayers.
Our goals and motivations must be aligned with God's will. If our motivation is not good, then our prayers may not be answered.
There are times when God teaches us about patience and perseverance in prayer. In this case, the answer to prayer may be delayed because God wants to test our faithfulness and trust.

However, even though our prayers are not answered as we expect, we can be sure that God always listens and gives the best answer for us
#penyebab doa tidak terjawab #doa tertahan #kekurangan iman #ketidaksepakatan dengan kehendak Tuhan #dosa #motivasi yang buruk #kesetiaan dan ketekunan dalam berdoa #keterbatasan waktu #Tuhan selalu mendengarkan doa,

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