Biden or Fetterman: Battle of the Vegetables | 4/20/23

1 year ago

The train wreck that is the Joe Biden presidency continues. The Biden administration has refused to cooperate with the inspector general on getting to the bottom of what went wrong with the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Senator John Fetterman got down to business at the Capitol yesterday, and it was memorable, to say the least. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas got grilled in Congress yesterday and did something that may be completely unprecedented. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called out Rep. Eric Swalwell and Secretary Mayorkas, and it was beautiful. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland is either lying or very bad at her job. Elon Musk warns about the future of AI. Robert Kennedy Jr. announces his run for president. Remembering President Donald Trump from three years ago. Government officials still refuse to acknowledge COVID or vaccine truths. Title IX dismantling continues, and Lia Thomas speaks on the issue.

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00:00:00 Joe Biden is a Great Speaker
00:09:33 KJP Defends the Biden Administration
00:17:47 Biden Administration is Hindering GOP Investigations
00:21:06 Is Fetterman Able to do His Job?
00:30:00 The House was in Chaos Yesterday
00:50:12 Elon Musk Warns us About AI
00:54:16 Outsmarting Artificial Intelligence
00:56:29 RFK Jr. Teaches About the Founding Fathers
01:04:00 Tweets
01:17:03 NIH Still Denies A Lab Leak
01:27:08 Lia Thomas Talks About Title 9

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