Build an ENTIRE TODO Web Application with Java Spring Boot in 90 min

1 year ago

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Be sure to subscribe to the Wazoo Web Bytes Podcast available now on Spotify and Apple Podcast -

In this tutorial, we go through the process of building an ENTIRE TODO web application written in Java Spring Boot! START TO FINISH!

This is a video aimed at beginners, but if it's been a while since you've seen
Spring Boot, then this might be up your alley as well!

Get the Code!

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===---=== Chapters ===---===
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:22 - Todo Application product tour and demo
00:02:25 -
00:04:20 - Get project into Git
00:05:20 - Open project in VS Code
00:07:15 - Configure H2 properties
00:12:05 - Looking at H2 console
00:15:35 - Creating the first controller
00:18:58 - Setting up index view template
00:21:20 - Creating the model
00:27:05 - Creating the repository
00:28:55 - Creating seed data
00:35:05 - Displaying database records to view
00:36:53 - Using WebJar for Bootstrap and JQuery
00:39:15 - Using Thymeleaf
00:47:00 - Checking H2 Console
00:51:45 - Creating TodoFormController
01:22:23 - Displaying Current Day


🔗Resources & Links mentioned in this video:

Spring Initializr:
Visual Studio Code:

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