Why Settling for an "OK" Life in Marriage is Harmful for Women - Ern and Iso Podcast

1 year ago

In this powerful clip from the "What's your rank?" episode of the Ern and Iso podcast, Iso drops some truth bombs about the dangers of settling for an "okay" life in marriage. Using her own personal experience, Iso shares how women can end up being married for years to a man who they never truly ranked as their number one, but convinced themselves it was okay because life was "good enough". But is it really okay to settle for an average life when deep down you know you deserve more? Join Ern and Iso as they discuss this thought-provoking topic and shed light on why it's important for women to prioritize their own happiness and satisfaction in marriage. Don't forget to use the hashtags #MarriageAdvice #RelationshipGoals #SelfLove and #ErnAndIsoPodcast to join the conversation!

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