WTFR The Pushback 19-04-2023

1 year ago

When will these reprobates give up NOTICING what's going on in high places? Here they are again plotting the takeover of the world once enough cracks have formed in the crooked government's/bankers's/globalists armour, for plebs in "normieland" to notice too. We'll be like "Oi criminals, your reptilian scales are showing!"

Once we're in a position to wrest power from reptilian scum, we'll introduce a new...... world order - except ours will be nicer. No "wordsmiths" in suits, no double yellow lines, no tax, no potholes, no BIG PHARMA, no theft of land or property, no violation of individual sovereign rights, no shutting down of farms, no killing of bees, & no more bloody pandemics! Oh... & tea & biscuits will be mandatory on Wednesday evenings. If that don't entice you, well there's no pleasing some people.

Anyway, Joss, Colin, Leo & Emma (the star lady) chew the fat for a couple of hours, & make predictions on what's coming next - especially the star lady.

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