Not Alone Chapter 4 by Gaelyn Whitley Keith

1 year ago

Find a comfortable chair and spend a few hours with Joe, and if you're blessed in a magnificent way, you may encounter a world that can change your life forever. Have a good visit! Have any of you suffered an injustice or been overlooked, ignored, rejected? Has anyone been denied, repudiated, negated, humiliated, devastated, infuriated, frustrated, or transgressed upon? You're a good person. So why have people disrespected, slighted, wounded, snubbed, oppressed, held down, discriminated against, beaten down, distressed, tortured, haunted, bullied, teased, tormented, or talked smack about you? Why? And when it was over, did you think, "I don't deserve this! Why me? I'm a good person!"?

If someone is going to get divorced, have a heart attack, be mugged or raped, blown up by a terrorist, lose a limb in an accident, be swindled, slandered, foreclosed on, or fired, don't you think it should happen to someone who deserves it? It should never happen to me! I'm a good person!

Well, if any of this has happened to you, I just want you to know that Joseph Michael Moretti has found the answer!
Look for Chapter Five to be posted next week or go to to listen to the first chapters..

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