The Short-Lived Kingdom Of King Lucifer From Ezekiel 28 And Isaiah 14-NTEB-APRIL 19 2023

1 year ago

We have discussed the Gap Theory many times before, and have come to the conclusion that it is no theory at all, but a factual representation of what happened. Like anything else in the living Bible, the more you look at it, the more you find. I have been spending some time in the Genesis 1 Gap, and what did I find? I found that Lucifer, wearing something that looks very much like the garments of the High Priest from the Temple, was the first king that God ever set over the original Garden of End in the original earth. Crazy, right? Stay with me now. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are taking you back to the original creation, before Adam, and showing you how God created Lucifer and gave him dominion over all the earth. For a time, Lucifer was a good caretaker of what God had set him over, right up until he began to lust after the power that God had. When that happened, he was lifted up in pride, the first sin, and swore to God that he would take His Throne, and claim dominion over, not just the earth, but over everything. It's all right there in your King James Bible, and tonight on this episode of 'Rightly Dividing', we dive back into the Genesis 1 Gap and come up with some amazing nuggets of Bible truth you won't hear in too many other places.

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