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Sam Seder is BRICK DUMB, Larry Elder played my BLM call
The relevant sources you will need
Before we get to the clip where Larry Elder played my call debunking Black Lives Matter, let us review some more data. This is review & we have to do it over & over again because divorcees like Sam Seder, who sits on his fat ass all day doing nothing – has a lot of free time.
Nobody will ever defeat him on free time & his ex-wife can likely attest to that. Sam Seder has important things to do on Twitter & YouTube, he’s really important.
Sam Seder has an autistic fit every time someone correctly mentions that the Black Lives Matter/George Floyd fiasco of 2020 started a very bad trend. Young black men especially, were always suffering from a high murder death rate, usually at the hands of another young black male.
It has been this way for a century! But in 2020 & 2021, it accelerated as folks like Maxine Waters & #AOC tried to rile up their underemployed/unemployed base that has nothing to lose – they know in chess the pawns go first – they tried to rile up these losers & it resulted in thousands & thousands of extra murders, most of them were black.
Let us look at the NIBRS data & find out what % of murder victims & offenders (where we KNOW the race of the victim or perp) were Black 2016-19. That was 23,688 offenders & (13,385) 56.5% of them were Black. That is very disproportionate!
If a Progressive lunch meat slicer takes issue w/ that, I will point out that 23,688 is a pretty good sample size of all murder offenders. Deal w/ it and/or get an education at a parochial school, so you can learn something aside from autistically-reciting your pronouns.
From 2016-19 of the 21,695 victims where we KNOW the race of the victim, (11,193) 51.59% of the victims were Black. That is also very disproportionate!
From 2020-21, the NIBRS data gives us 23,034 murder offenders where we KNOW the race of the offender. Of those 23,034 offenders, (13,707) 59.5% of them were Black. That is also very disproportionate!!
From 2020-2021, the NIBRS data gives us 24,584 victims of murder & of those 24,584 victims, (14,382) 58.5% were Black.
The murder rate (per 100,000) was much, much higher in the latter (2020-2021) time frame than the former (2016-2019) & the % of murder victims that were Black & offenders that were Black increased substantially as well.
It appears that despite the whining of carnival barkers like the divorcee Stan Seder, #blacklivesmatter accomplished what they wanted to accomplish. They created more chaos, they pined for fragmented families because they hate nuclear families & they used millions of idiots as pawns in their game.
Now let’s look at some CDC data in a report from way back in 1975, this was so long ago even the old man Sam Seder was young.
The homicide rate in these United States saw a YUUUGE spike in the 1910s-1920s & then dropped substantially in the 1930s. During those Roaring Twenties, it was substantially higher than it has been over the last few years. During the 1950s it was lower than it has been the last few years, just some food for thought.
Some things have not changed: “The upward trend for homicide victims from 1960 to 1974 is the primary focus of this report. This trend is kept in perspective by a comparison of recent homicide rates with the rates for earlier years. Some data concerning persons arrested for homicide and circumstances concerning the violent deaths, supplied by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, are also presented. In 1973, 20,465 men, women, and children lost their lives from injuries inflicted by another person or persons with intent to injure or kill. This figure gives a homicide rate of 9.8 deaths per 100,000 for 1973, the highest ever recorded for the nation. The next highest rate occurred more than 40 years ago in 1933 when the rate reached 9.7 deaths per 100,000. Provisional data for 1974 show that homicide is still at a high level. It is estimated that the rate for 1974 was at least 9.8 deaths per 100,000, with 20,770 victims of homicide.”
“The category "white" includes, in addition to persons reported as white, persons reported to be Mexican or Puerto Rican. The categories "races other than white" and "all other" consist of persons reported as Negro, American Indian, Chinese, and Japanese; other numerically small racial groups; and persons of mixed white and other races. The Bureau of the Census reports that in 1973 about 26,802,000 of the 209,851,000 people in the United States (or 13 percent) belonged to "races other than white." Of the 26,802,000 people, about 23,801,000 (or 89 percent) belonged to the Negro race.”
“For each of the four color-sex groups, the homicide rates declined slowly through the last half of the 1940s and through the 1950s, but the rates turned upward again at the beginning of the 1960s. The upward trend continued through 1973 for three of the four color-sex groups-white males, white females, and females of other races but not for males of other races. For males other than white, the rate of increase in homicides decelerated from the middle of the 1960s until about 1971, and then the rate turned downward-from 70.1 homicides per 100,000 for 1972 to 65.8 for 1973. The effect on the total homicide rate of this striking downturn in the rate for males of other races, however, was more than offset by the accelerated rise in the rate for the white population. For white persons, the homicide rate rose from 4.9 deaths per 100,000 for 1972 to 5.5 for 1973-representing an increase of more than 1,000 deaths-from 8,976 deaths for 1972 to 9,986 for 1973.
“An examination of the mortality pattern for age specific homicide rates for each year from 1933 to 1973 shows that-with few exceptions for any given year-for each of the four color-sex groups the age group 25-34 had a considerably higher death rate than any other age group. This pattern holds both for years in periods when homicide rates fell and for years in periods when the rates rose.”
“Firearms, especially handguns, are the primary means of homicide. According to information on the death certificates of the victims, the percentage of homicides committed by means of firearms and explosives rose from 54.7 in 1960 to 67.2 in 1973-an increase from 4,627 such homicides for 1960 to 13,572 for 1973. (For 1973, the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimated that 53 percent of the homicides were committed with handguns and about 14 percent with shotguns and other firearms.) On the other hand, information on the death certificates shows that the percentage of homicides committed with cutting and piercing instruments (especially knives) dropped from 21.7 in 1960 to 15.9 in 1973. This percentage decrease, however, does not reflect an actual decrease in the number of homicides committed with cutting and piercing instruments because the number increased from 1,816 in 1960 to 3,254 in 1973. Rather, the decrease in the percentage is largely a result of the relatively greater increase during 1960-73 in the use of handguns and other firearms and explosives to commit homicide… Other means of injury, including homicidal brawl, poisoning, drowning, and pushing from high places, accounted for about 20 percent of the homicides in 1960, but for only 14.8 percent of such deaths in 1973. Again, the percentage decrease does not reflect an actual decrease in the number of homicides committed in these ways-the number increased from 1,700 in 1960 to 3,083 in 1973.”
Most of the decline in homicides among the nonwhite population occurred to nonwhite males, from 46 deaths per 100,000 in 1950, their rate fell to 34 in 1961, a decrease of 26 percent in 12 years. The level was still more than seven times the national average… Over half the homicides were by firearms and explosives. Nearly one-fifth of the deaths were classified in the residual category “assault by other means” where the methods of homicide are not tabulated separately.
Among the many titles included in this category are homicides from strangulations, fights, and assault by unspecified or other means which cannot be classified in categories E980-E982. Females and white persons had proportionately twice as many homicides in this category as males and nonwhite persons, respectively. On the other hand, nonwhite persons showed almost twice as high a percentage of deaths from cuttings and stabbings as did white victims… In 1964 the rates for firearms and explosives and from cutting and stabbing wounds were greater for the nonwhite population than for the white, 8 and 16 times greater, respectively. For ages 25-44, these rates were 10 times greater for firearms and explosives and more than 20 times greater for cutting and stabbing wounds.”
Since the 1930s, Blacks & particularly young black men have ALWAYS been disproportionately victims of murder & most of the time they are the perpetrators as well. From 1980-2008, Blacks were <13% of the population, yet were 52.5% of the offenders & 47.4% of the victims. Do you see a trend? If Sam Seder is going to cry crocodile tears over dead bodies, he might want to go into the black community & tell them to plan their families instead of inseminating the first overweight Karen that gives them the time of day. Tell them to stick around & raise junior. Then again, Sam Seder has never had a successful relationship with the opposite gender of his species, so Sam giving marital advice would be like Adolph Hitler & Karl Marx giving advice on how to treat Jewish folks.
Now for my call to Larry Elder & then we’ll move on.
Now some disturbing news from Chicago, currently the hood rats are rioting there in an effort to intimidate society into doing what they want. I wonder why Sam Seder, I wonder why there are not shootouts every single day in Iowa, although a few Democrat-dominated cities in Iowa are having some issues, but by-and-large, there are not shootouts all over Iowa, Maine, lilly-white Vermont, most of lilly-white Minnesota – why is that old man?
The divorcee Sam Seder wants you to think we are not safe anywhere, but that’s a lie & he even knows it, because I told him.
Chicago is a wreck & Illinois has a very high homicide rate, but consider this data I unearthed long ago.
How about Illinois? 2018-2020 criminal homicide rate (FBI says 2,867 homicides, IL State Police say 2,901) = 7.5 per 100,000.
East St. Louis & Chicago criminal homicide rate (1,937 criminal homicides) 2018-2020 = 23.391 per 100,000. IL homicide rate OUTSIDE of Chicago & East St. Louis (930 homicides in IL OUTSIDE those cities) 2018-2020 = 3.105 per 100,000. Have we seen this movie before?
Let’s find all the counties in IL that Donald Trump won with 60% of the vote or > in 2016 & 2020. I am NOT going to name them all, they’re too numerous, see the references.
The counties in the Land of Lincoln that voted twice for Donald Trump & 60% of the vote went to him both times – the Cumulative Homicides for those counties 2018-2020 = 76
Cumulative Population (due to state data differing so much both ways from Census Data, I went w/ the latter) for those counties 2018-2020 = 3,935,893
Homicide Rate 2018-2020 for those counties = 1.930 per 100,000. This is much lower than the IL total en masse & much lower than the homicide rate in IL OUTSIDE of Chicago & E. St. Louis. Again, the most violent areas of America tend to be diverse, lots of fatherless children, lots of black-on-black homicide, lots of food stamps & lots of kids dropping out of school.
I doubt Woodford County, Illinois has fatherless children running down the main thoroughfare tossing Molotov Cocktails through store windows. Chicago has that, but not the most GOP-entrenched counties in IL.
The divorcee Sam Seder wants you to think the entire state of Illinois is a wreck, but its mainly 2 counties, both overwhelmingly voting for Biden, Hillary & any other person w/ a “D” after their name.
It seems Chicago’s new mayor Brandon Johnson wants to get rid of more police officers & replace them w/ social workers – this is an insane idea. But this is what the Democrat Party wants. They want to neuter the police, so there’s no proactive policing in high crime areas, which will result in fewer criminals apprehended as the police are not anywhere in the neighborhood.
They want the police ranks thinned so there are not enough of them to do their job. They want to, people like Kim Foxx want to let criminals loose & if you defend yourself from BLM terrorists like Kyle Rittenhouse, they want to throw you in prison.
They also want your guns, which is why Maxine Waters threatened Trump cabinet members, telling her unemployed base to make a crowd around them, intimidate them & likely assault them.
This is their vision for society so the next time the BLM hood rats riots, nobody can stop them & if you don’t vote as they want you to, they will burn your town down or attempt to burn it down, which has happened often over the past few years in the Twin Cities, Seattle, Portland, Chicago & Baltimore.
This doesn’t happen in Western Iowa, I wonder why. Why do think these riots don’t happen in Western Iowa Sam Seder?
Now for some comments on Chicago’s newest Mayor, a man who likely has a lot of security, but does not have the same sentiment towards regular folks in Chicago, which is likely why Illinois & Chicago especially are hemorrhaging population.
Of Illinois’ 102 counties, 64 of them (62.74%) had zero homicides in 2016. An additional 17 counties had ONE HOMICIDE. The violence is not everywhere, just places where Democrats rule. 64 of IL’s 102 counties (62.74%) had ZERO homicides in 2020. They had 11.41% (1,461,995) of the state’s population. 56 of IL’s 102 counties (54.9%) had ZERO homicides in 2019.
Thanks Dave, Thanks Clay & Buck. Very important admission by Chicago’s newest Mayor & we will touch on that again. Most of the violence in the very violent city of Chicago is in a handful of neighborhoods, not across the entire city & most of it is black people killing & assaulting black people in mostly-black neighborhoods full of children that never met daddy.
Some more information debunking the notion that the entire U.S. is having a murder epidemic. Most of lilly-white Montana is uber-safe, as is most of lilly-white Iowa.
Some months ago, I did a series of videos debunking a couple of divorcees, entitled Divorcees Sam Seder & Old Fart Rants are suddenly concerned about dead people in Buffalo, parts one through five.
Much of the information in those videos focuses on the % of arrestees & murder victims in a given state (using state police data) that were black, some of the numbers were eye-popping, but I also had a boatload of data on arrests.
In many jurisdictions, as the murder rate went up & violent crime went up or stayed at roughly the same rate – in many of those states the number of arrests for murder & violent crime plummeted.
This illustrates a Ferguson Effect; Regressive, mentally ill/bipolar Democrats intimidated the police or thinned their numbers so much that criminals were emboldened because they were far less likely to get caught, which is just what folks like George Soros, Rachael Rollins & Kim Foxx want.
Does the following surprise you? We’ve done this before, but we need to do it again in detail to thwart folks like the divorcee Sam Seder who has gobs of free time to sit on his fat ass all day on social media, reciting talking points.
In 2020, 72.41% (63 of 87) of MN’s counties had ZERO MURDERS & they had 25.75% of the MN population. In 2021, 67.81% (59 of 87) of MN’s counties had ZERO homicides & most of those counties were won by Donald Trump w/ 60% of the vote or more. Of Minnesota’s 87 counties, 62 of them (71.26%) had ZERO homicides in 2016. An additional 14 counties had ONE HOMICIDE.
Counties in Minnesota that voted for Donald Trump, 60% or more of the vote both in 2016 & 2020. Those counties from 2018-2020 had a murder rate of 0.980 per 100,000. A far cry from what is happening in the Twin Cities & a far cry below the MN state average.
2018-2020 criminal homicide rate (413 according to the FBI, 406 according to the MN Dept of Public Safety. You can see the difference in the data as some cases of “Murder/Non-negligent Manslaughter” were either ruled a “negligent manslaughter” case or a “justifiable homicide” down the road) = 2.435 per 100,000.
Criminal Homicide Rate (243 criminal homicides in that time frame) for Minneapolis/St. Paul (Twin Cities) 2018-2020 = 10.984 per 100,000. Criminal Homicide rate in Minnesota OUTSIDE of the Twin Cities 2018-2020 (170 homicides) = 1.152 per 100,000.
Again, homicide is not “increasing everywhere”, it is mainly cities run by Dumocrats that have catered to the #blacklivesmatter sociopaths – cities that have woke public schools, lots of folks on food stamps, lots of fatherless children & they are usually “diverse.”
In a given year, 2/3 to ¾ of Iowa’s counties have ZERO murders & there are a handful of cities that are responsible for most of it. Council Bluffs, Iowa City & Ames are three cities that have low murder rates, but when you combine them with Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Fort Dodge, Waterloo & Davenport – that’s where the vast majority of murders in Iowa occur. It’s not spread out everywhere as uneducated, mentally-deficient folks like Sam Seder want you to think it is.
Of the counties in Wisconsin that voted 60% or more for Donald Trump in both 2016 & 2020: Those counties had a murder rate from 2018-2020 of 1.473 per 100,000. The problem area in Wisconsin is Milwaukee County & primarily Milwaukee City which has, you guessed it – a lot of black on black murder.
Outside that county, not so much. 32 of 72 counties in WI (44.44%) counties had ZERO homicides in 2021. They were 17.25% of the state’s population (1,017,265). Of Wisconsin’s 72 counties, 48 of them (66.66%) of them had ZERO homicides in 2017. An additional 13 counties had one homicide.
So, if the divorcee Sam Seder is really worried about dead folks, he needs to quit doing Google “research” & actually learn something. Find out where the vast majority of this murder is occurring & who is doing it.
I have news for the mentally ill idiot, it’s usually cities that have lots of young black males who grew up sans daddy & never finished school, murdering other young black males who had no father & failed to finish High School in cities that are dominated by the Demoncrat Party.
I will close with this & I intend to do a sequel to the video on your screen very soon. It illustrates in great detail the threats that Progressive Democrats have made & will stalemate any video Sam Seder uploads that purports to show Republicans wanting to get violent & using that as a “Vote Democrat” argument.
Now that the divorcee has been stalemated, we will debate why the most violent cities in America have lots of black on black murder & vote Democrat. Even a lot of so-called “Red States”, like Tennessee & Missouri & have high murder rates but it boils down to a handful of counties & those counties lean Democrat. They also have lots of blacks killing blacks. Memphis, the armpit of America is a perfect example of that.
Have a nice day & if you find this information worthy, please pass it around & educate your friends on the truth of murder in America – where it occurs, who is perpetrating it & who the victims are!
The divorcee Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport is afraid to debate my friend James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith. Methinks the divorcee lacks confidence in that religion degree from a diploma mill
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