Why You Should Make Useless Things

1 year ago

Description: Learn how embracing creativity and making "useless" things can boost your mental health, inspire innovation, and foster personal growth.


In a world where productivity and efficiency are often prioritized above all else, the idea of making "useless" things may seem counterintuitive. However, there is great value in embracing creativity and pursuing projects or activities that do not necessarily have a practical purpose.

Engaging in creative pursuits can have a multitude of benefits for our mental health and overall well-being. Studies have shown that engaging in creative activities can reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, and improve cognitive function. In addition, creative pursuits can help to foster innovation and problem-solving skills, as we learn to think outside of the box and approach challenges from new angles.

Creating "useless" things can also be a valuable exercise in personal growth and self-discovery. When we engage in activities that do not have a predetermined outcome or practical purpose, we are forced to let go of our need for control and perfectionism, and instead embrace the process of exploration and experimentation. This can help us to cultivate a sense of curiosity and openness to new experiences, as well as develop resilience in the face of failure.

Moreover, making "useless" things can be a form of self-expression and a way to connect with others. By sharing our creative projects with others, we can inspire and uplift those around us, while also building a sense of community and connection.

In a world that often values productivity and practicality above all else, it is important to remember the power of creativity and making "useless" things. By embracing our innate desire to create and allowing ourselves to pursue projects without a predetermined outcome or practical purpose, we can boost our mental health, inspire innovation, and foster personal growth

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